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StreetFair Registration

Registrations for the 2025 StreetFair are now open! Take part in one of the biggest street festivals in Toronto. 

Please note registration will close May 6th, 2025 5:00pm ET, unless booked out earlier so get in quick!

If you have any questions you can reach us at

StreetFair 2024 Fun Facts

City Blocks
0 +
0 +
0 M+

Participation Details

Pride Toronto’s SteetFair spans along Church St. from Bloor St. south to Dundas and is comprised of 4 main sections:

Please note that no open-air food vendors will be permitted on the StreetFair this year. All food vendors must operate out of a food truck in order to be applicable. Pride Toronto is also taking a more sustainable approach to StreetFair regulations. We ask that you please read the
Terms and Conditions prior to registering.


StreetFair Pricing Guide

Marketplace Categories

StreetFair Pricing Guide




Dec 17 to March 18


March 19 to May 6

Artisan/Craft Maker

This category is intended to highlight small, local, independent artisans. All items sold must have been entirely handcrafted by the vendor themselves, and be unavailable for purchase at a physical outlet. May include artists with independent websites, dependent on the size and distribution, subject to the discretion of Pride Toronto.




Independent Commercial Businesses

whose products are not handmade, but do not have a physical retail outlet. Also includes artisans whose work is available for purchase at physical outlets or a dedicated online space with national or international distribution, subject to the discretion of Pride Toronto.




Corporate Registered For-Profit Businesses

with 2 or fewer physical stores/retail/ online outlets in Canada only, Consulate office, Board of Trade, Tourist Board or Tourism Company.




National/International Corporate

Businesses with more than 2 physical outlets or presence outside of Canada.




Community Fair & Wellness Zone Categories

Community Fair Categories




Dec 17 to March 18


March 19 to May 6

Non-profits, charities, student groups (no-selling) (note, professional members association could be classified based on size, please consult Pride Toronto)




Non-profits, charities, student groups (selling) (note, professional members association could be classified based on size, please consult Pride Toronto)




Public/Private Service Providers - These are groups that can also fall under category B,D, E or F but are on a larger scale and provide both for profit or non profit services to the public (Pension plans, Tax groups, Post Secondary Education Institutions, City Public Service Providers, Health Clinics or Organizations, Property Development/Management Groups) Please consult Pride Toronto if needed clarification.




Elected Officials & Candidates in Municipal office (City Councillors, Mayors, Trustees)




Government Departments & Political groups




Trade Unions (under 25,000 members)




Trade Unions (over 25,000 members)




Market Place Category Food Zone:

(Food Truck Vendors) This category is intended for vendors selling /making food and or non-alcoholic beverages.




Dec 17 to March 18


March 19 to May 6

Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors – Church Street)




Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors – Nathan Phillips Square)




Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors – Wellesley Stage)




Please contact us at to apply add-ons separately, after completion of your application.

Corporate Brand Add-on (Just Name)


Corporate Brand Add-on (New Booth)


Trade Unions <25,000 - Brand Add On (Just Name) Brand add on is required when an additional logo is displayed that is not the logo of the primary exhibitor. Please note the logo must be affiliated, two separate companies cannot register together.


Trade Unions <25,000 – Brand Add-on (New Booth)


Trade Unions >25,000 – Brand Add-on (Just Name) Brand Add On (Just Name)Brand add on is required when an additional logo is displayed that is not the logo of the primary exhibitor. Please note the logo must be affiliated, two separate companies cannot register together.


Sampling Permit: Per brand, 10,000 units


Brand Add-on (New Booth)


If you have any questions regarding Pride Toronto’s StreetFair, please contact

*All prices are subject to 13% HST at checkout; a 2.91% Service Fee has been added onto all fees. Payment methods include PayPal, Credit Card (via PayPal), Wire Transfer, and Electronic Transfer. Prices subject to change without notice.

Prices are subject to an additional 15% Late Administration Fee.

StreetFair Terms and Conditions

1. General

1.1. An “Exhibitor” is referred to as the individual, organization or company looking to participate at the Pride Toronto StreetFair. The Exhibitor is responsible for all associated participants involved with their activation at the StreeFair.

1.2. Each Exhibitor must have a minimum of one (1) lead who will be responsible for following and communicating all rules and regulations to their respective group and getting all relevant information to Pride Toronto as needed.

1.3. Pride Toronto’s StreetFair Terms and Conditions are applicable to all Exhibitors wishing to participate in Pride Toronto’s StreetFair.

1.4. The StreetFair does not have unlimited spaces. Registration will close on May 6th 2025  or earlier once spaces are full.

1.5. Any violation of any of the conditions within this document will affect the Exhibitor’s continued participation with Pride Toronto.

1.6. The Terms and Conditions are intended to provide clarity on the rights and responsibilities of Pride Toronto and Exhibitors.

1.7. The Exhibitor hereby declares policies upholding equal opportunity and non-discrimination have been adopted, by which discrimination on the grounds of Race, Ethnicity, Language, Colour, Creed, National Origin, Religious or Political affiliation, Sex, Age, Personal or Family Relationships, Disabilities, HIV/AIDS, Income Restrictions, Level of Literacy, Union Affiliation, Sexual Orientation, or Gender Identity/Expression is prohibited by the organization/business or individual.

1.8. The Exhibitor confirms that they are the age of majority and have the authority to assume full responsibility for the behaviour of all persons participating in falling under this application. The Exhibitor further agrees to comply by, and enforce all applicable laws and regulations in connection with the event.

1.9. Pride Toronto expects (and the contractual terms explicitly state) that the Exhibitor and all their affiliates agree to operate in a manner that is consistent with the celebration of Pride in the communities by respecting the rights of all members of the community to participate in the event; by not presenting images or behaving in a manner that promotes or may promote degradation, stereotypes, hatred, or violence toward any persons and groups; and by adopting and adhering to appropriate non-discrimination and equal opportunity policies as an organization.

1.10. All Pride Month participation opportunities including but not limited to StreetFair Booths, Parade Contingents, Community Events, Advertising (web & guide) and all sponsor benefits are non-transferable. Only the logo/trademark of the organization/company entered into a signed agreement with Pride Toronto is permitted to be displayed in any of the opportunities listed above. 

1.11. No Exhibitor may display the Pride Toronto logo.

1.12. Pride Toronto retains the right to update or modify the StreetFair Terms and Conditions with written notice to Exhibitors. Exhibitors have three (3) business days to raise an issue with Pride Toronto about the modified terms and express interest in removal. 

1.13. Pride Toronto retains the right to refuse any application without liability. Pride Toronto retains the right to cancel or modify Pride or Pride events at any time, in part or in full, without liability. 

1.14. StreetFair monitors will be in all areas of the StreetFair to ensure the StreetFair Terms and Conditions are being abided by. If any Exhibitor is in violation of the StreetFair Terms and Conditions set forth in this document, Pride Toronto has the right to ask for Participant removal, financial fine/bond,  and has the right to deny future registrations from the Exhibitor.

1.15. If any of the Exhibitor’s participants have a Criminal Record, the Exhibitor must disclose that information to Pride Toronto staff during the registration process or as soon as they are made aware.

1.16. No Exhibitor may solicit donations.

1.17. Each StreetFair Exhibitor will be required to provide proof of liability insurance for a minimum of $2 million naming Pride Toronto as Additional Insured, effective June 27-29, 2025. An original certificate from your insurer and all other appropriate documents must be uploaded to your registration form no later than May 14, 2025. Failure to do so will result in automatic withdrawal from the event.

1.18. Pride Toronto from time to time may be subject to exclusivities that Exhibitors must abide by. All exclusivities will be communicated to vendors no later than May 14 2025.


2. Application Information

2.1. All applications must be received through Pride Toronto’s registration platform as advertised on Pride Toronto’s website.

2.2. The act of receiving an online application shall not be deemed to impart or imply any obligation for Pride Toronto to accept any bid or application. Upon Pride Toronto’s approval of an application, the successful applicant – the Exhibitor – will be notified electronically of their acceptance into the Pride 2025 StreetFair. 

2.3. Applications will be considered incomplete and booth locations will not be placed on hold if full payment is not made. 

2.4. All applicants must meet category eligibility requirements as outlined in the online application. If requested by Pride Toronto, applicants must provide proof of qualification for the selected category. Should there be a dispute, Pride Toronto reserves the right to deny an application on the grounds of ineligibility or offer the Exhibitor an opportunity to re-apply under the appropriate category with payment of the appropriate fees. (Note: Pride Toronto will not reserve booth space during a dispute or re-application process).

2.5. Booth sites cannot be exchanged, shared, traded, or otherwise moved without the written permission of Pride Toronto. Pride Toronto will not guarantee that you will receive the location of your choice as indicated in your online application. Pride Toronto furthermore reserves the right to change the location of any StreetFair Exhibitor’s booth at any time.

2.6. All Charity/ Non-Profit applicants will be required to provide a charity or non-profit registration number.

2.7. Non-registered, unapproved groups will not be permitted to join the StreetFair on the day of the event.

2.8. Should a physical Street Fair not be permitted for reasons beyond Pride Toronto’s control, contingents will be given the opportunity to work with Pride Toronto on an alternative Street Fair option. Should the Exhibitor prefer not to be included, Pride Toronto will defer the application to the following year. Deferrals will only be relevant for 1 year after the date of issue. Please note that no refunds will be given under any circumstance.

2.8.1. Deferrals can only be applied to the original application and registered Exhibitor. There will be no transfer of application from one organization to another when applying a deferral. The deferral has to be used towards the original application and permit category. In the event a deferral is used for the following year’s Street Fair, the Participant may choose a different vendor type and will be subject to any additional fees associated with the new option chosen.

3. Logistics, Operations and Safety

3.1. There will be a mandatory information session for all Exhibitors (or their delegate) to attend. This session will explain the StreetFair, ensure that all Exhibitors are aware of all StreetFair Terms and Conditions, day-of logistics, and answer any questions Exhibitors may have.

3.2. StreetFair operating hours are as follows and are subject to change. Pride Toronto will notify Exhibitors in the event of a change in operating hours. (June 27, 2025- 7pm-11pm; June 28 &  29, 2025- 1pm – 11pm)

3.2.1. Hours mentioned are only operational hours and when power is available.

3.2.2. Pride Toronto staff will be available to assist or answer any questions until 9pm for all dates (June 27th to June 29th)

3.3. Booths are 10 feet by 10 feet in footprint with a maximum height of 12 ft.

3.4. Exhibitors’ tents, service tables, and/or equipment must be positioned within the boundaries of the assigned location.

3.5. Exhibitors have the choice of purchasing multiple booths, which may be adjacent to one another, or in separate locations. Some locations will be restricted to Exhibitors able to occupy two or three connected booths. All prices are for three (3) days.

3.6. Exhibitors must adhere to specified vehicle access times. No vehicles are allowed outside of specified vehicle access times; booth-specific entry and exit time will be listed on vendor permits issued to the Exhibitor by Pride Toronto. It is recommended that Exhibitors use a dolly or a tow flatbed to bring items onto the festival site. For advice please email the StreetFair Team at

3.7. Parking will not be provided for any Exhibitor. There is no personal parking available from Pride Toronto anywhere on the festival site. Exhibitors must make their own parking and travel arrangements.

3.8. Delivery of materials to the Festival site is prohibited.

3.9. Pride Toronto does not provide complimentary tents, tables, extension cords, chairs or any supplies to Exhibitors. Exhibitors are responsible for bringing what they need.

3.10. Booths located on Church St. and Wellesley St. will be supplied with power. Each power drop will include (1) one quad box (4 three-pronged outlets). If you require additional power or a 240-volt hook-up, there will be an additional cost.
Please contact

3.11. Power is only supplied during the operating hours of the StreetFair.

3.12. Exhibitors must be open during the assigned hours.

3.13. Exhibitors are to ensure that their booth space is clear and all debris from their activation is removed prior to load out. Exhibitors will be responsible for any cleanup costs associated with their space, including fees that will be charged.

3.14. Garbage/recycling handling & removal standards must meet with the satisfaction of the City of Toronto and the Pride Toronto StreetFair Committee. You are responsible for all garbage removal. Pride Toronto and the City of Toronto provide garbage, recycling, and organics receptacles, and their use is strongly encouraged. Misuse of these receptacles or a failure to separate waste appropriately may jeopardize the Exhibitor’s future participation in Pride festivals.

3.15. Exhibitors may not use or distribute any excessive and wasteful, non-compostable or non-recyclable materials throughout the festival. This includes, but not limited to plastic items, wax/plastic/foil coated paper, styrofoam, non-biodegradable containers, plastic bags, plastic water bottles etc…

3.16. All Exhibitors are responsible for bringing their own water to the festival site. All water (including greywater) is the responsibility of the vendor participants to dispose of off-site.

3.17. No Broadcast sound/media will be allowed on any booth site other than from CSA approved battery-powered, portable, domestic-use radio/CD/MP3 player units, smartphone, or tablet. The Exhibitor will shut down any source of noise if and when requested by Pride Toronto personnel or City of Toronto officials.

3.18. Copyright release for performances or broadcasts is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. Pride Toronto assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever.

No Exhibitor may solicit donations.

3.20. The selling of any items displaying or using the words “Pride” or “Pride Toronto” is not permitted. Rainbows, gender symbols, pink triangles, are considered to be acceptable. The Pride Toronto policy limits the use of the Pride and Pride Toronto specific branded wording.

3.21. The use of pyrotechnics, open flames, confetti, paper streamers, and water guns are strictly prohibited. Feathers attached to costumes are welcome, but should not be thrown or treated like confetti.

3.22. Alcohol and all other controlled substances are not permitted on the StreetFair. Any individual or group found with alcohol or prohibited substances will be removed immediately.

3.23. The Exhibitor specifically agrees that Pride Toronto assumes no responsibility for damages to persons or property however caused, as a result of or pertaining to the participation and/or activities of the Exhibitor.

3.24. The Exhibitor is fully responsible for ensuring that they comply with all Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations (including, but not exclusively, noise, health, fire safety, etc.) which may apply to any aspect of the Exhibitor’s participation.

3.25. The Exhibitor is fully responsible for any claims, demands, injuries, damages, etc. by/to persons or property resulting from any actions or activities, omissions, statutory violations, or any kind of illegal or wrongful actions or activities of their doing. Infractions may require the revocation of the Exhibitor’s Booth Site permit without compensation.

3.26. Pride Toronto, from time to time, has to work in exclusivities that would impact the StreetFair. These exclusivities will be determined by March 15th, 2025 and communicated to any applicable vendors.

3.27. For Exhibitor Disputes please refer to the Dispute Resolution Process in Appendix A.


4. Marketplace / Food Vendors

The following conditions are specific to Marketplace and Food vendors within the Pride 2025 StreetFair.

4.1. All Food Truck Vendors will be curated by Pride Toronto and the StreetFair Team to ensure a variety of food to suit a variety of tastes. First come, first served will be part of the curatorial process -eg. If two taco vendors apply, the first complete application will be selected.

4.2. Food Zone operating hours are as follows and can be subjected to change. Pride Toronto will notify Vendors in the event of a change in operating hours. (June 27, 2024- 7pm-12am; June 28 &  29, 2025- 1pm – 12am)

4.2.1. Hours mentioned are only operational hours and when power is available.

4.2.2. Pride Toronto staff will be available to assist or answer any questions until 9pm for all dates (June 27th to June 29th)

4.3. All  Vendors must utilize a Food Truck in order to participate in the Food Zone.

4.4. Food Truck Vendors are permitted to sell only the items listed on their applications. All ingredients must be made readily available upon request.

4.5. Food Trucks Vendors are permitted to sell only food and/or non-alcoholic beverages.

4.6. In accordance with Toronto municipal city By-laws, all Food Truck Vendors must  possess a valid Drivers License, a valid Safety Standards Certificate, Proof of a Health Inspection from Toronto Public Health, a Technical Standards and Safety Association certificate (TSSA) and a valid Food Handlers Certificate. The acquisition of these licenses is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. A copy of this completed form must be provided to Pride Toronto in the registration no later than May 15th 2025.

4.6.1. Form from the City of Toronto can be found here:

4.7. The temporary Food Establishment Application is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. A copy of this completed form must be provided to the Pride Toronto registration.

4.8. All Food Truck Vendors are required to provide Proof of Liability Insurance for $2 million naming Pride Toronto as the Additional Insured, effective June 27th, 28th and 29th 2025.

4.9. No logos may be displayed that are not the logo of the Exhibitor. No third party- sponsorship of any kind is permitted within the StreetFair.

4.10. There is no additional charge for power. Each drop will include (1) one quad box (four- three-prong outlets). If you require additional power or a 240 volt hook-up for an additional cost, please contact

4.10.1. All food trucks are required to use Pride Toronto’s power and must plug in. No generators without approval from Pride Toronto.

4.11. In compliance with Pride Toronto’s new Green Initiative as outlined in the StreetFair
Terms and Conditions, we require that all Food Truck vendors avoid single use plastics/waste.

4.12. All vendors are responsible for bringing their own water to the festival site. Further, all water (including greywater) is the responsibility of the vendor participants to properly dispose of off site.

4.13. Approved vendors will be provided a 10×30 space within the Food Zone.

4.14. Location of the Food Truck will be at Pride Toronto’s discretion.

4.14.1. Preferred choice of location through application process is not guaranteed.

4.14.2. If preferred choice is not available at time of applicant’s submission, Pride Toronto will notify the applicant of an alternate location and if there are any additional fees associated with the change.

4.14.3. If an applicant is not considered for the Food zone, Pride Toronto will provide a full refund for the applicant’s submission.

Price Chart:

Market Place Category

Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors) This category is intended for vendors selling /making food and or non-alcoholic beverages.




(Dec 17 to March 18)


(March 19 to May 6)

Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors – Church Street)




Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors – Nathan Phillips Square)




Food Zone: (Food Truck Vendors – Wellesley Stage)




5. Community Fair

5.1. Community Fair Exhibitors may not sell any items and absolutely no price tags or cost lists may be displayed. If you are a Community Fair Exhibitor and want to sell, you must register under the selling category. 5.2. All Community Fair registrants will be required to provide a charity or non-profit registration number. 5.3. No logos may be displayed that are not the logo of the Exhibitor. No third-party sponsorship of any kind is permitted within the StreetFair. 5.4. No Community Fair Exhibitors may solicit donations.

6. Accessibility

6.1. If you have individuals with accessibility needs please contact us at

7. Payments and Refunds

7.1. All payments are to be made online through the application platform. We are also able to accommodate PayPal, E-Transfer or wire payments. Cash and/or cheques for the Permit Fees will not be accepted. Applications will not be processed if payment is incomplete. For any payment related queries please contact

7.2. Pricing periods are final. Pride Toronto will not honour Early Bird rates after 12pm December 16, 2025 or Regular Pricing after 11:59pm March 18, 2025.

7.3. Registration is only recognised on receipt of payment.

7.4. An Exhibitor has ten (10) business days from purchase to request a refund for their StreetFair booth. After ten (10) business days, no refund will be offered. All refunds are subject to a 10% administrative fee + HST. Additionally, there will be no refunds if an Exhibitor purchases their StreetFair booth within the late sign-up time period. (March 19 to May 6)

7.5. All refunds will take approximately 30 days to be processed.

7.6. There will be no refund of fees if an Exhibitor is removed from the Festival.

7.7. Exhibitors will be fined $500.00 if the Exhibitor leaves anything left behind from the festival weekend that should not have been left by the Exhibitor, which includes garbage.

7.8. Pride Toronto uses a 3 tier pricing structure – see below. The tiers change over at 12pm on the last day of the date range listed.

7.9. Pride Toronto will not compensate, refund, discount or in any other way be responsible for a lack of foot traffic from the Exhibitor’s participation or location for any reason whatsoever. The Exhibitor specifically agrees that Pride Toronto assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss, however caused, as a result of, or pertaining to, the participation and/or activities of any Exhibitor.

7.10. The following prices and timelines will be in effect for Exhibitors at the Pride Toronto 2025 StreetFair. All prices are subject to 13% HST at checkout of application and a 2.91% service fee has been added on to all fees that are reflected below.
Prices subject to change without notice.

Marketplace Categories




(Dec 17 to March 18)


(March 19 to May 6)

Artisan/Craft Maker This category is intended to highlight small, local, independent artisans. All items sold must have been entirely hand-crafted by the vendor themselves, and be unavailable for purchase at a physical outlet. May include artists with independent websites, dependent on the size and distribution, subject to the discretion of Pride Toronto.




Independent Commercial Businesses whose products are not handmade, but do not have a physical retail outlet. Also includes artisans whose work is available for purchase at physical outlets or a dedicated online space with national or international distribution, subject to the discretion of Pride Toronto.




Corporate Registered for-profit business with 2 or fewer physical stores/retail/ online outlets in Canada only, Consulate office, Board of Trade, Tourist Board or Tourism Company.




National/International Corporate 
Businesses with more than 2 physical outlets or presence outside of Canada.




Community Fair Categories




(Dec 17 to March 18)


(March 19 to May 6)

Non-profits, charities, student groups (no-selling) (note, professional members association could be classified based on size, please consult Pride Toronto)




Non-profits, charities, student groups (selling) (note, professional members association could be classified based on size, please consult Pride Toronto)




Public/Private Service Providers – These are groups that can also fall under category B,D, E or F but are on a larger scale and provide both for profit or non profit services to the public (Pension plans, Tax groups, Post Secondary Education Institutions, City Public Service Providers, Health Clinics or Organizations, Property Development/Management Groups) Please consult Pride Toronto if needed clarification.




Elected Officials & Candidates in Municipal office (City Councillors, Mayors, Trustees)




Government Departments & Political groups




Trade Unions (under 25,000 members)




Trade Unions (over 25,000 members)




Please contact us at  to apply add-ons separately, after completion of your application

Corporate Brand Add On (Just Name)


Corporate Brand Add On (New Booth)


Trade Unions <25,000 – Brand Add On (Just Name)
Brand add on is required when an additional logo is displayed that is not the logo of the primary exhibitor. Please note the logo must be affiliated, two separate companies cannot register together.


Trade Unions <25,000 – Brand Add On (New Booth)


Trade Unions >25,000 – Brand Add On (Just Name)
Brand add on is required when an additional logo is displayed that is not the logo of the primary exhibitor. Please note the logo must be affiliated, two separate companies cannot register together.


Sampling Permit: Per brand, 10,000 units


Brand Add On (New Booth)


8. Marketing and Logo Use

8.1. No group may display logos other than their own. No third-party branded sponsorship of any kind is permitted on the parade route. Any group bearing a third-party logo (such as on a vehicle, booth, table or on signs) will be prohibited from activating on the StreetFair.

8.1.1. Union Exhibitors are only eligible to display their respective Union logos and not the companies that are part of the Union.

8.2. The Exhibitor will not present any messages – verbal, written, in imagery or otherwise that promote or condone violence or incitement of hatred as defined in the Criminal Code of Canada and the City of Toronto’s Anti-Discrimination Policy or go against Pride Toronto’s Mission, Vision and Values.

8.3. The Exhibitor will respect the rights of all members and supporters of our communities, and tailor their parade messaging to be in solidarity.

8.4. Unbranded tied-down helium balloons are welcome, provided they are not higher than 12 ft from the ground. Unbranded signs and flags are encouraged. Messages must be consistent with Pride’s Mission, Vision, and Values. Signs and flags cannot be higher than 12 ft from the ground.

9. Safety / Uniformed Security Officers

9.1. Pride Toronto is not responsible for the security of any equipment, vehicles, service tables, marketing materials or anything else brought onto the site.

9.2. All Exhibitors are responsible for the safety and security of their own goods and equipment and must ensure the safety of the public by limiting any possible access to their equipment and/or booth area at any time.

9.3. All Exhibitors must secure their area during the off hours. How the area is secured to ensure the safety of the public and prevent any loss is up to the Exhibitor. Any uniformed and licensed security is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor.

10. Liability Release

10.1. In consideration of the acceptance of this application and permission to participate as an Exhibitor in one or more Booth Site(s) within Pride Toronto 2025 festival site, the Exhibitor waives and forever discharges Pride Toronto staff, board, volunteers, and suppliers, the City of Toronto and all other associations, sanctioning bodies and sponsoring companies, and all their respective agents, officials, servants, contractors, representatives, volunteers, staff, elected and appointed officials, successors and assigns of and from all claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action, whether in law or equity, in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property howsoever caused, arising or to arise by reason of my participation in the said event, whether as an exhibitor, spectator, participant, competitor or otherwise, whether prior to, during or subsequent to the event, and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to, or occasioned by the negligence of any of the aforesaid.

11. Appendix A

Street Fair/Food Zone Participation Dispute Resolution

In accordance with the City of Toronto’s “Declaration of Compliance with Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Legislation & City Policy”, the Dispute Resolution Process (DRP) is established by Pride Toronto to review and resolve complaints about a group’s participation in or exclusion from the Pride Street Fair or Food Zone. The Board appoints a roster of volunteer Dispute Resolution Officers (DROs) who have relevant professional experience in adjudication and dispute resolution. The DROs do not advocate on behalf of or represent any party in a dispute. The DRP is not a legal proceeding. For greater certainty, the DRP will only consider complaints about the participation or exclusion of a group in the Pride Street Fair or Food Zone, or an alleged violation of the rules and policies governing participation in the Street Fair or Food Zone. Complaints about any other Pride Toronto activities and decisions not relating to a group’s participation in or exclusion from the Pride Street Fair, and any proposed changes to the by-laws or policies of Pride Toronto, will not be considered through the DRP. This policy governs all complaints received in the 2025 calendar year.

How do I file a complaint through the DRP?

A complaint must be submitted by email to

The complaint must contain all of the following information:

  1. The complainant’s name and phone number and/or email address
  2. The group whose participation or exclusion is the subject of the complaint;
  3. The specific grounds for the complaint, including reference to the particular section in a Pride Toronto by-law, policy, or rule that is alleged to be at issue; and
  4. The exact form of relief or remedy sought by the complainant.

The main body of the complaint – i.e., the specific grounds and relief sought – is limited to 500 words. No other documents should be submitted at this stage. Anonymous complaints or use of pseudonyms are not permitted. Complaints that do not contain all of the required information, are longer than 500 words, or are not submitted by email or by the deadline will not be considered. 

A complainant must elect to proceed by mediation, to be followed by arbitration (if mediation fails), or waive mediation and simply elect to proceed to arbitration. Contact information will be provided to the presiding DRO, who may in turn also provide such information to the group affected by the complaint. Pride Toronto cannot guarantee that the names of complainants, or their contact information or complaints, or the results of the DRP, will not become matters for the public record.

What are the timelines to submit a complaint?

The list of approved Street Fair & Food Zone Exhibitors is posted on Pride Toronto’s website on June 1. Complaints about a Pride Toronto approved or excluded Exhibitor must be filed by June 7, but no earlier than June 1, to address participation in the 2025 Street Fair or Food Zone. If there are complaints about the behaviour of a Street Fair or Food Zone Exhibitor, who participated in the 2025 Street Fair,a member has 30 days from the alleged violation to submit a complaint.

Who can submit a complaint?

Pride Toronto will only consider complaints from current members of the organization in good standing.

What are the resolution options?

There are three avenues or methods available to make a complaint and seek resolution including:

  1. A request for Corrective Action – when not seeking a penalty and within Pride Toronto’s authority – this process is outside of the Dispute Resolution process.
  2. A request for Mediation – between the complainant(s) and other Street Fair or Food Zone Exhibitor(s) in an effort to resolve the complaint. The goal of mediation is to come to a workable solution that leaves both sides in agreement with the resolution.
  3. A request for Arbitration – which seeks an independent review of the approval or exclusion of Participants in the parade or march, or an alleged violation of the rules and policies governing participation in the parade or march. A complainant may request to start at step one and proceed through the steps or go directly to Arbitration.

What happens after a complaint is filed?

If a complaint is submitted by the deadline established in a given year and contains all of the required information indicated above, a single DRO will be selected by Pride Toronto from the roster to preside over the dispute, including both the mediation and/or arbitration, as the circumstances may require. A single DRO may be selected to preside over two or more complaints that appear to involve substantially similar issues and/or affect the same group.

The DRO may dismiss a complaint on their own initiative, without requiring further information or submissions from a complainant or affected group, if in their opinion the complaint is frivolous, vexatious, or an abuse of process.  For example, a complaint relating to an issue that has been resolved or adjudicated by a prior DRP, whether involving the same or different group(s) and/or complainant(s), shall be considered an abuse of process and be dismissed.

Otherwise, the mediation and/or arbitration process shall commence within three ( 3) days of the selection of the presiding DRO. The contact person for the affected group shall be sent a copy of the complaint by the DRO upon commencement of the mediation or arbitration process.

The DRO has sole authority to (1) issue procedural rulings in the mediation and/or arbitration, including the rights of the complainant and the affected group to present information and/or make submissions in writing or in person; and where an arbitration occurs, (2) make findings based on information and submissions, and (3) render a final decision regarding a group’s participation in or exclusion from the Pride Parade.

Resolution of Complaints

If the affected group does not provide any information or response or participate in the mediation and/or arbitration, the DRP may still continue and the DRO may nevertheless render a final decision regarding that group’s participation in or exclusion from the Pride Street Fair or Food Zone, which shall be binding on the affected group.

The entire mediation and/or arbitration process in relation to an affected group shall be concluded no later than one (1) week before the Pride Festival weekend. If the entire mediation and/or arbitration process is not concluded by this deadline, the affected group shall be permitted to exhibit or be excluded from the Pride Street Fair or Food Zone, as would be the case prior to the initiation of the complaint(s).

If the mediation and/or arbitration process is concluded by the deadline, the results (and, where an arbitration occurs, any written reasons for the DRO’s final decision) shall be published within 5 days of the conclusion of the process.

There shall be no appeals or further reviews from any outcome of the DRP.

Limitation Of Liability

In consideration for participating in the DRP process, complainants and affected groups agree that Pride Toronto (including its staff, directors, and volunteers) and the DROs are immune from and not subject to civil claims or causes of action in relation to the DRP, and no legal proceedings in any form whatsoever shall be brought against Pride Toronto, its staff, directors, and volunteers, and/or any DRO, because of or in relation to their role in the DRP or any outcome of the DRP.