Member Resources


Thank you Members for attending this year’s Board Candidate and By-Law Update. If you missed the session, please see below for the recording of the meeting and the presentation slides.

Board Meeting Minutes 2024


Tuesday, January 7, 2025


6:00pm- 7:45pm EST




Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez,  leZlie lee kam, Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus, Viviana Santibanez, Troy Dunn

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana



ASL Interpretation

Marcia Adolphe, Carmelle Cachero



Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – January 7, 2025

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales. 

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Troy Dunn

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Land Acknowledgement

Grant Gonzales delivered Indigenous Land Acknowledgement and Osmel Maynes delivered African Ancestral Acknowledgement. 

leZlie advised for Board Members to take turns delivering the land acknowledgment. 

Action item: Nipuni create a Google Document for Board to sign up.


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – December 16, 2024 #11

Motion: To approve the December 16th, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Victor Perez-Amado

Seconder: Osmel Maynes

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting. No new decisions made since last meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report

  • 2024 Annual Report

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. 

No ED report document provided for this month, as staff are just getting back to the office. Discussion was held on cost savings for the Festival, the open Director of Operations position, and the Board was also notified that a press release would be sent soon announcing the Festival theme. All three levels of government will also be contacted regarding additional commitments needed from them.

2024 Annual Report

Annual report is prepared by staff but owned by the Board, and will need to be reviewed. The contents in the annual report, like festival costs and expenditures will be discussed with Membership during the upcoming Annual Meeting. This would also include providing context on the overall financial health of the organization.


Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

Treasurer provided an update that there have been no major shifts since last Board update. An update on any outstanding and received sponsorships payments was discussed. The Festival insurance bill has also been received, and will be paid in installments.


Annual Meeting Prep

  • Appointment of Meeting Chair
  • Draft Agenda and Motions
  • Board Roles 
  • By-Law Amendments/Resolution (FYI) 

The Board discussed the details of the upcoming Annual Meeting. The Notice date of the meeting would still need to be determined but will be confirmed in the next few days. Grant and leZlie advised that they would be able to chair the meeting. Nirmalan offered support as a backup meeting chair if needed.

The draft of the  Agenda and Motions for the Annual Meeting were reviewed.

Board roles and expectations of Board Members at the Annual Meeting were discussed, including the role of the panelists. The Board was also advised of the staff support roles that would be in place, such as note takers. Board Members were also advised that the opening ceremony for the Annual Meeting would be conducted by Dr. Ruth Green. 

The By-Law Amendments were approved at last month’s Board Meeting. The Directors’ Resolution in writing to amend our articles of amendment will need to be signed via DocuSign. Directors were asked to sign by January 13th.

Motion: To approve Grant Gonzales and leZlie lee kam as Annual Meeting chairs, and Nirmalan Vijeyakumar as the backup meeting chair (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Motion: To approve the draft Annual Meeting Agenda and Motions (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Mariana Mota

Membership Approvals

The Secretary submitted the new and renewing member applications for Board consideration.

Motion: To approve Membership Applications (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Other Business/Updates

  • Candidate/By-Law Q&A (January 23, 2025)  
  • Annual Meeting (January 30, 2025)
  • Sankofa Event (February 21, 2025)    

Candidate/By-Law Q&A

Board discussed the upcoming session for the Membership; the purposes of which would be to provide them with an introduction to the Board Candidates and an overview of the By-Law changes, as well as an opportunity to ask questions in advance of the Annual Meeting. Grant would chair the meeting and leZlie would be backup. The first hour of the session would be for the Board Candidate Q&A, and the last half hour would be on the By-Law changes. Co-Chairs also advised that they would connect with the candidates in advance to inform them of the structure of the session.

Annual Meeting

Preparations for the Annual Meeting are underway with our service providers.

Sankofa Event

Preparations are underway with the staff committee for Pride Toronto’s Black History Month event, Sankofa.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Approval of In-Camera Minutes: December 16, 2024
  • ED Performance Review Update

Chair and Secretary

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised the next meeting will be on February 22, 2025.



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja

Seconder: Troy Dunn



Annual Meeting Resources

Board Meeting Minutes 2024

Date  Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Time  6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location  Online
Attendance  Board: Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Courage, Troy Dunn, Yuri Hernandez
Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana
Regrets  Yuri Hernandez
ASL Interpretation  Jo-Ann Martin and Marcia Adolphe
Agenda Item  Summary/Notes Motions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business:

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – January 16, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved).
Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Seconder: leZlie lee kam
Land Acknowledgement Grant delivered land acknowledgment. Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes

  • Draft – Board Meeting Minutes – December 18, 2023 # 10
  • Draft – Board Meeting Minutes – December 20, 2023 #11

Motion: To approve the December 18,
2023 and December 20, 2023 Meeting
Minutes (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Declaration of Conflict of
Grant requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability. Discussed
Board Decision Tracker  Grant advised on document for reference Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations Grant advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting. Discussed
Standing Item: ED Report The Executive Director (Kojo Modeste) provided the monthly organizational update. Discussion was held on supporting the application for the Two-Spirit powwow; it was confirmed that a letter of support from Pride Toronto will be sent for the application. leZlie advised on the workshop they attended and suggested use of the ‘sunflower scheme’; Kojo to look into this. It was advised that the Accessibility Committee is in a good place with a number of people that are part of the committee.



Standing Item: Treasurer

The Treasurer (Osmel Maynes)

Board Members provided general updates that the organization was in a good financial state.

Annual General Meeting and
Board Elections

Annual Meeting

Preparations for Annual Meeting underway, including a tech rehearsal the week before the Annual Meeting. Grant explained that proxies and that certain motions require certain voting options (ie. some motions are for/withhold and others are for/against). In compliance with the Ontario Not for Profit Corporations Act (ONCA), the meeting will be referred to as a ‘Annual Meeting’ rather than a ‘Annual General Meeting’

Board Elections
Osmel informed that there will be another short introduction and question and answer period with the Board Candidates during the Annual Meeting. Every candidate needs to be voted on using for/withhold options.



Motion: To Board approves all Board candidates to be voted on at the upcoming Annual Meeting (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Action item:
Grant to connect with Fasken
on proxy provisions of Annual

Membership Approval

Grant checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals.

Approvals list to include current Member and Board Director, Courage Bacchus. Staff to follow up on one Member application to check the applicant’s full name.

Motion: To approve Membership Applications (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Committee Updates

  • 2024 Board of Directors Agreement

Policy Committee
Draft Board Agreement – the current Board agreement is being updated. The changes are mostly related to grammar and cleaning up the document. There are some new pieces, such as Board Meeting attendance. Further discussion was held to clarify what expectations of Board Members are and what to include in the Board Agreement document.

Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
No updates at this time.

Finance Committee

This update was provided by Osmel earlier in the meeting during the Treasurer Report.
Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee
No updates at this time.

Other Business/Updates

lezlie provided thank you to interpreters.

leZlie thanked Nipuni for doing an excellent job of taking the minutes of board meetings.


Standing Item: In Camera

  • In Camera Minutes: December 18, 2023
  • In Camera Minutes: December 20, 2023
  • HR Review – Final Report

Motion: To move in camera (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumer

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Motion: To move out of in camera
session (included in In Camera

Next Meeting: February 3, 2024 Grant advised that the Board Orientation for new and current Board Members, and monthly Board Meeting will be held on Saturday February 3rd, 2024.


Adjournment Board Members.
Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Osmel Maynes

DateSaturday, February 3, 2024
Time2:00-4:00 pm EST
LocationIn person at Pride Toronto office and online

Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Courage Bacchus, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

ASL InterpretationCindy Muskat and Vanessa Bailey
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business:

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – February 3, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved).
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Land Acknowledgement Grant delivered land acknowledgment.Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes

  • Draft – Board Meeting Minutes – January 16, 2024 #12

Motion: To approve the January 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Declaration of Conflict of

Grant requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

Nirmalan noted that while not a conflict of interest, he has recently changed positions and works closely with the City of Toronto unit that oversees Street Event permitting. He noted he does not take part in conversations that involve Pride Toronto permitting.

Mariana noted that she currently works at the City of Toronto that oversees policies regarding grants to festivals. If there is a discussion about advocacy/grant applications regarding the City of Toronto that may lead to a conflict of interest; Mariana advised that she would not be a part of that conversation.

Grant advised that both of these are standing conflicts and will need to be included in the attestation form when we have it.

Board Decision Tracker Grant advised on document for reference.Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsGrant advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.Discussed
Standing Item: ED Report

The Executive Director (Kojo Modeste) provided the monthly organizational update. Explanation of what to expect with ED Report (monthly high level updates from different departments) was discussed. Updates for this month included the following: the staff is in full Festival planning mode and hiring of contract staff is almost finalized. Confirmation from Canadian Heritage was received advising that our Festival grant was approved. There was also an update on the upcoming Sankofa event (second annual Black History Month event). It was mentioned that staff are also looking into plans for International Women’s Day and Asian Heritage Month.

Osmel provided an update on the Creating Change Conference which was held in January in New Orleans. He said it provided an opportunity to meet other organizations and other Prides from grassroots activists to academics and more.

Kojo advised that Nirmalan will be representing Pride Toronto at 365 Pride in St. Lucia. leZlie, Grant and Kojo will also be attending the Fierte Pride Conference in Prince Edward Island.

Kojo mentioned that another priority is Requests for Proposals; this will be emailed to the Board soon to review for approval.

Discussion held on the plan about Alberta’s anti-trans legislation and Pride Toronto response/comment.

Kojo led the discussion on changing our Pride Toronto logo from the six colours to incorporate all the colours of the Progressive flag. All  Board Members were in agreement.



Standing Item: Treasurer
The Treasurer (Osmel Maynes) provided the Treasurer’s report. He noted that we had re-appointed our auditors at the Annual Meeting. Osmel advised that he welcomes other Board Directors to join the Finance Committee.Discussed
Board Administration: 2024 Board Agreement / Attestations

Board Administration

Discussion held about 2024 Board Agreement 


Board Officers Elections

Co-Chair (2), Treasurer (1), Secretary (1)

Grant advised on the need to choose Board Officers at the first meeting after the Annual Meeting. It was mentioned that it is important to have folks with some experience in these roles for continuity. Also important for Board Directors to consider shadowing the meetings of the Executive Committee Officers to support the change in Officer positions in the future, for succession planning.Officer positions are one year in length – from one annual meeting until the next annual meeting. Currently, the Officer positions are two Co-Chairs, one Treasurer and one Secretary. The Board can also create other Officer roles as needed.

Kojo chaired the nomination process.


Grant and Courage nominated leZlie for Co-Chair. leZlie nominated Grant for Co-Chair.

  • leZlie accepted the Co-Chair role with thank to their nominators.
  • Grant accepted the Co-Chair role with thanks to his nominator.


Courage nominated Osmel for Treasurer.

  • Osmel accepted the Treasurer role with thanks to his nominator.


Grant, Courage and leZlie nominated Nirmalan for Secretary.

  • Nirmalan accepted the Secretary role with thanks to his nominators.

Congratulations to all Board Officers!

Grant advised that this is a great opportunity for leadership to have a fifth Board Director join the Executive Committee (which is composed of the Board Officers), to start shadowing to get a better understanding of the Officer roles. The Executive Committee deals with emerging issues and provides support and guidance for the ED. Board Directors can reach out to leZlie, Grant and Kojo for more information on this.

Kojo and leZlie raised the issue of gender equity on the Executive Committee. leZlie expressed concern about the need for a woman to shadow this committee.

Action item: Grant to add to Board Meeting agenda in March the following: for the Board to discuss electing a Member at large.

Board Committees

  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Grants and Sponsorships Committee
  • Policy and Governance Committee

Grant advised Board Directors to start thinking about which Board committees they want to be a part of. This will be revisited in March. Committees organize their own meetings and the first priority will be to develop each committees’ Terms of Reference.

Policy Committee

This committee is responsible for overseeing policies and governance, such as the bylaws and overseeing specific policies. There needs to be a full review of policies. There is also a need to build an orientation package for new Board Members and solidify Board recruitment processes.

Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee

No updates at this time. leZlie is currently the only remaining member of this committee.

Finance Committee

This update was provided by Osmel earlier in the meeting during the Treasurer Report.

Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee

No updates at this time.

Executive Committee

No updates at this time.

Kojo advised that someone on the senior leadership team will be on all the committees.

Policy: Expenses

Policy: Expenses

Kojo explained that there should be a buffer with the per diems provided to the Board, considering that costs of meals can get really expensive with traveling. In terms of meals to expense during Board Meetings, the recommendation is to increase the meal allowance from $20 to $30 per meeting since the cost of food is expensive and because there is savings in terms of travel (since the meetings are online).

Motion: To approve the increase of the Board meal allowance from $20 to $30 per meeting (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja


Action item: Osmel and Nipuni to touch base on the form.

Membership ApprovalsGrant advised that approval of Membership applications to be deferred to the next Board Meeting.Discussed

Other Business/Updates

  • Sankofa (February 23, 2024)

Other Business

Sankofa was discussed during the ED report.

Brief discussion was held on headshots for the Board of Directors. Grant advised that the Executive Committee would look into this.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

In Camera Minutes: January 16, 2024

Grant advised that the approval of in camera meeting minutes will be deferred to the next Board Meeting.Discussed
Next Meeting: February 20, 2024 (HOLD) Grant advised the next meeting will be held on February 20.Discussed

All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved).

Mover: Victor Perez-Amado

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

DateTuesday, March 5, 2024
Time6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
LocationIn person at Pride Toronto office and online
AttendanceBoard: Anmol Budhiraja, Courage Bacchus, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana
RegretsTroy Dunn
ASL InterpretationAlex Skrzyniak and Cynthia Carruthers
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business:

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – March 5, 2024

Amended the meeting agenda to include a discussion on Palestine during Other Business

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved).
Mover: Victor Perez-Amado
Seconder: Courage Bacchus
Land Acknowledgement Grant delivered land acknowledgment.Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – February 3, 2024 #1
Motion: To approve the February 3, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved).
Mover: Mariana Mota
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Declaration of Conflict of Interest Grant requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

Anmol works at 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations and so, will not be part of the agenda discussion about 2Spirit Bursary.
Board Decision Tracker Grant advised on document for reference.

The only addition to the document was the email to approve moving forward with the staff recommended vendors.
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations Grant advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.

leZlie reminded Board Directors about ASL interpretation etiquette.
Standing Item: ED Report The Executive Director (Kojo Modeste) provided the monthly organizational update. Discussion on current state of other Festivals, and meetings with Elected Officials and city developments (upcoming FIFA games in Toronto). Update provided about new development with new insurance broker: all vendors that are using equipment will need liability insurance – these conversations are ongoing. There have also been discussions with other Pride organizations about Palestine/Israel – has been top of mind for organizations.

leZlie commended Kojo for their work in supporting other Prides and thanked Kojo for the video made regarding trans hate based on statements made by Pierre Pollievre, Leader of the Official Opposition.

Enchante Summit update provided: to establish the first national 2SLGBTQI+ organization. Discussions held on the need and next steps (how can this be made into a reality).

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

  • 2-Spirit Bursary – $,1000
The Treasurer (Osmel Maynes) provided the Treasurer’s report.

Finance committee meetings going to start up with Amit.

Discussion of the creation of a new 2-Spirit bursary, which would be $1000 and would come from the Board advocacy fund. This decision is based on our ongoing efforts to build our relationship with indigenous communities and would support young 2-Spirit folks.

Anmol did not participate in the discussion about the 2-Spirit Bursary and recused themselves from the vote.
Motion: To approve the sponsorship of
a $1000 bursary with 2-Spirited People
of the 1st Nations to support 2-Spirit
community members for 2024 only.
Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Seconder: Osmel Maynes

Board Committees

  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Grants and Sponsorships Committee
  • Policy and Governance Committee
  • Executive
Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
No updates at this time.
Board Directors who will be in committee: leZlie, Courage, Victor

Finance Committee
This update was provided by Osmel earlier in the meeting during the Treasurer
Board Directors who will be in committee: Osmel (Chair), Nirmalan, Anmol

Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee
No updates at this time.
Board Directors who will be in committee: Nirmalan (coordinate the meeting to elect the chair), Osmel, Anmol

Policy Committee
This committee is responsible for overseeing policies and governance.
Board Directors in the committee: Grant, Mariana

Executive Committee
No updates at this time.
Board Directors in the committee: Grant, leZlie, Nirmalan, Osmel

Mariana and Viviana would like additional information/description of the committees, and schedule. Grant advised that there is no set schedule (aside from Finance). All committees need Terms of Reference and to elect a Chair.

  1. Employee Leave of Absence Policy:
  2. Board and Staff Performer Policy:
    • Need to include six month grace period (unless otherwise approved). Not all Board Directors are in favour of this grace period because artists can have precarious work
Motion: To approve ‘Employee Leave of Absence Policy’ and ‘Board and Staff Performer Policy (as amended to include six month grace period) (Approved).
Mover: Grant Gonzales
Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja
Board WhatsApp – Guidelines
and Expectations
Board WhatsApp – Guidelines and Expectations.

Osmel advised the Board on the interest in creating a WhatsApp group to have conversations around the Board and to keep in touch with each other. This would not be a personal WhatsApp group, and more about being in tune with each other; ie. to ensure Directors are where they are needed to be.

Grant expressed the importance of having ground rules; it would not be appropriate to have debates/complaints in this group, and rather the focus would be more for administration, reminders, and coordination. It would be a good way to keep in touch with each other.

leZlie: Okay to move forward with very clear boundaries and guidelines. Important to note that this would not be an official method of communication. Important to communicate via email for Board matters.

Osmel, as Treasurer will be the administrator of the group, and will monitor and ensure it is running smoothly.
Motion: To approve the creation of a
WhatsApp group for Board Directors to
communicate with each other
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Viviana Santibanez
Action item:
  • Osmel to create the group over the weekend.

Membership Approvals

  • Membership Approvals
  • Membership Request
leZlie checked in with the Board Directors to confirm they have reviewed the list.

Nirmalan provided more context into the application process – individuals apply online (and affirm that they agree to our organizational values). Team does a quick search. However, there is a need to look into a more thorough application process.

The Board discussed a request from two members to hold a Special General Meeting, and decided not to proceed.
Motion: To approve Membership
Applications (including February and
March) (Approved).
Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Other Business/Updates

  • Other Business/Updates – IWD pride event March 12
  • Update from the Enchante Summit
  • Discussion on Palestine
Other Business

International Women’s Day Pride Event
This was discussed during ED report

Update from Enchante Summit

This was discussed during ED report

Discussion on Palestine
Discussion between the Board Directors and ED on making a statement on the increasing humanitarian crisis and the difficulty of individuals in Gaza accessing basic supplies, and making another statement. It was noted that many other Pride organizations are also navigating on the best way to respond and are
looking for additional support and leadership. Important considerations need to be made, including who are the communities that people want Pride Toronto
to speak out on/for, as we received a lot of backlash from our last statement, and in making a new statement, staff and Board would be impacted. Board Directors agreed that it would be best to do more action based support for communities, and ensure we increase transparency around the positive work we do; this would include looking at how to support advocacy and queer folks on the ground.

Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: January 16, 2024
  • Internal Review Update
Grant advisedDiscussed

Next Meeting: March 19, 2024 (in-person)

  • 2024 Pride Festival Overview/Staff Presentations
leZlie advised the next meeting will be held on March 19. This will be an in-person meeting at the Pride Toronto office and will include a presentation from staff about the upcoming Festival. leZlie expressed support to Nipuni and the Interpreters, Alex and Cynthia for support with the Board Meeting.Motion: To move in camera (Approved).
Mover: Victor Perez-Amado
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumer

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).


All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved).
Mover: Grant Gonzales
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
DateTuesday, March 19, 2024
Time6:20 pm – 9:17 pm EST
LocationIn person at Pride Toronto office

Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Bobby MacPherson, Anna Lee, Nick Ramdass, Amit Kumar, Kais Padamshi, Dania Niles, Marvin Maverick Regalado, Jamie Nicholson, Jaden Slawter, Derek Kang

RegretsCourage Bacchus
ASL InterpretationN/A
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of AgendaWelcome and Approving the Order of Business:
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – March 19, 2024Amended the meeting agenda to move the ED report to the end of the meeting after the staff presentations.Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales.
Motion: To approve the agenda as
amended (Approved).
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Troy Dunn
Land Acknowledgement Grant Gonzales delivered land acknowledgmentDiscussed
Declaration of Conflict of

Grant Gonzales requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No conflicts declared.

Board Decision Tracker Grant Gonzales advised on document for reference.Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations Grant Gonzales advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.Discussed
Staff Presentation
  • Marketing Department
Marketing and Communications Manager & Marketing and Communications Director presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Operations
Operations Manager & Senior Director of Operations presented to the BoardPresentation
Staff Presentation
  • Volunteer
Senior Director of Operations presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Grants and Fundraising
Fund Development Manager presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Sponsorship
Director of Development presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • General Information and Board Participation
Executive Director presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Finance
Finance Manager presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Community Engagement
Community Engagement Manager presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Major Cultural Events and Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Events Coordinator presented to the Board.Presentation
Staff Presentation
  • Programming
Programming and Events Manager presented to the BoardPresentation
Staff Presentation
  • Question & Answer

Nirmalan: Question about brown/out stage move.
Programming: Curators are aware of the move and ask for the move.

leZlie: Will the Influencer Program use community activists?
Marketing: Still building out the influence program. Many of the influencers are advocates in their own way.

Grant: Is marketing able to share any of the international influences.
Marketing: No international influencers yet. Being strategic and establishing a process to be used year-over-year.

Viviana: Will there be someone to monitor the Be___ wall.
ED: Yes

Troy: Go really heavy in TikTok. Instagram and other social media are getting out–of-touch.
Marketing: WIll be strategic this year.

Victor: Is there a campaign for the general public about sustainability?
Senior Dir. Op: Will be working on something with the contractors this year and with Marketing.

Mariana: How can the Board support the Sponsorship Cultivation program?
How has the breakdown for revenue year-over-year?

Finance: Sponsorship will create a schedule for Board members to attend and meet with sponsors through the cultivation program. Working on major individual donors. Revenue breakdown is similar to 2023.

leZlie: Was Buddies in Bad Times considered for Major Cultural Sponsors? What about a Pride t-shirt as merchandise?
Major Cultural Events and Visual Arts: Will look into it.
ED: The staff team won’t be able to do merchandise this year. A consideration for the future.

Grant: Following-up on previous comments. Board members have participated in various sponsorship events throughout the year. The EA Manager will be sending out a schedule.

Troy: Is there an update on the Pride Run?
ED: The Operations team is working with Pride Run.

Nirmalan: What is the proportion of funding for each stage?
Programming: Same proportions as last year.
In Camera Session: ED Report
  • Ghana Update
ChairMotion: To move in camera (Approved).
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Troy DunnMotion: To move out of in camera
session (included in In Camera
Standing Item: ED Report
  • Discussion on Grants

The ED provided the organizational update.

Discussion on Grants
Pride has not applied for Grants which are not directly related to the Festival. It is proposed that an exemption be made so that Pride may apply for a grant to establish a Trans Leadership program. It will be an opportunity to work with Trans folks on Economic Development. If approved, the funding will be used to hire Trans folxs to lead a program where businesses are given a seal as a trans-inclusive commercial business.

Board: Discussion about if we have the expertise and how it will be resourced online. Staff will move forward with writing proposal. No submission until Board approval.

In Camera Session: ED Report
  • Queer Palestine Support Update
ChairMotion: To move in
camera (Approved).
Mover: Troy Dunn
Seconder: Victor Perez-AmadoMotion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera
Next Meeting:
  • April 16, 2024
Nirmalan advised the next meeting will be held on April 16, 2024.Discussed
Adjournment All Board Members.
Meeting ended.
Motion: To adjourn the meeting
Mover: Anmol Budhiraja
Seconder: Troy Dunn
DateTuesday, April 16, 2024
Time6:00pm – 9:00pm EST
Location Online

Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Courage Bacchus, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

ASL InterpretationChristie Reaume and Marcia Adolphe  
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – April 16, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair leZlie lee kam

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Grant Gonzales

Land AcknowledgementOsmel Guerra Maynes delivered land acknowledgment. Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – March 5, 2024 #2
  • Board Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2024 #3

Motion: To approve the March 5, 2024 and March 19, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Grant Gonzales 

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No declarations

Board Decision Tracker Chair advised on document for reference.Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsChair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting and reminded Board Directors to read this document. Chair highlighted that the document contains ASL etiquette (such as speaking one at a time), which would support interpreters. leZlie also mentioned that their device has limitations, so asked Board Directors to please put up their hands for motions, rather than putting up their hands virtually.Discussed
Standing Item: ED Report 

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. leZlie’s questions were sent in advance via email.

Nirmalan thanked the staff team for doing a thorough search for the best CRM tool for the organization and inquired about security training. ED advised that this training, along with how information can be more safely stored is being explored.

A discussion on trainings was held. leZlie inquired about Indigenous competency training for the Board. Victor inquired about training on bias and microaggression. ED confirmed that this could be arranged following the Festival.

Update on the Pride Run was provided. Pride Run’s main request was to no longer have the Accessibility container as they feel like it poses a safety threat to runners. Staff and the consulting company agreed to have a tent instead of the shipping container. We have reached back out to Pride Run to inform them, and are still waiting to hear back.

ED advised on the distribution of VIP passes for City Councillors, and trainings for sponsors (Pride Toronto offers a list of trainings and it is up to the sponsors to request training).

Dispute Resolution Committee was discussed – in total there would be two Board Directors and 3 community members in this committee. Osmel volunteered to be on the committee, and one additional Director is required.

Board and ED discussed the federal budget, and in particular focused on the $3 million set for Pride security.  

Action item for Dispute Resolution Committee: 

  • one more Board Director needed for the committee
  • send suggestions of community members to join the committee to Kojo to reach out to. 
Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report

Osmel reviewed different account balances (bank, paypal etc), monthly admin costs. He advised that Finance is focusing on customer invoices so that we can get cashflow in June.

Discussion was held on increasing our line of credit by $500,000 to a total of $1 million. The majority of sponsorships are received after the Festival, and the line of credit would be used to address any cash flow issues during the month of June. The goal would be to maintain the same interest rate on the increased amount. 

It was also discussed that the Finance committee would look into Sponsorship policy to see if any amendments could be made to payment schedules (even though companies/government has various fiscal years and payment schedules that they need to follow.

Motion: To approve the Finance Committee increasing Pride Toronto’s line of credit by $500K, bringing the total line of credit to $1 million. This additional funding will provide us with necessary funding to manage cash flow, and navigate unforeseen challenges that may arise (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes.

Seconder: Grant Gonzales

Policy Review

  • Board and Staff Performer Policy
  • Communications Policy
  • Sponsorship Cycle Management Process 
  • Storage & Inventory Process

Kojo and leZlie asked if everyone read policies with amendments or if more time is needed before voting. Board decided to move forward with the vote.

Courage added to please include captions for social media in the Communications Policy. ED advised that could be added into the policy.

Motion: To approve Board and Staff Performer Policy, Communications Policy, Sponsorship Cycle Management Process and

Storage & Inventory Process (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Board Committees (Officer-at-Large Appointment)


Grant advised that there would be value in adding this role to participate in Executive Committee meetings, to ensure balanced representation and succession. 

Viviana and Mariana were nominated for the position, and both accepted the nomination. A vote was conducted; Viviana received the most votes and was appointed Officer-at-Large. 

Membership Approvals

Secretary checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals. 

Given the incredibly long list of Membership applications received, the Board wanted to pause and look into the applications a bit more, including looking at the data on how many applications were received last year around this time in comparison to this year, how many volunteers are volunteers etc. Motion to approve Memberships deferred. Adding more questions into the application form is being considered, however it was noted that we need to be careful of this because some applicants face language barriers.

Membership RequestThe Board discussed the continued request from two members to hold a Special General Meeting. The Board agreed not to proceed with a Special General Meeting.  

Other Business/Updates

  • HIV Self-Test Program
  • May 1, 9:30 am: 2024 Pride Festival Reveal

HIV Self-Test Program

Nirmalan advised that through his volunteer work with the AIDS Committee of Toronto that federal funding was being cut to a new self test kit (quick rapid test) that are typically given out at different places. There is a writing campaign on this with a letter that is being sent to the Federal Government. Osmel added that these self-test kits are beneficial for people with access barriers (such as those who live in rural areas). Anmol added that these kits are also important for community members who do not feel safe using hospitals. 

ED asked that whoever received this letter first, to please send so that Pride Toronto can sign on.

May 1, 9:30 am: 2024 Pride Festival Reveal

Grant: advised Board Members of upcoming Festival Reveal on May 1st and encouraged them to come out. It’s a good opportunity to meet our stakeholders. ED also advised that the CN Tower (where Festival Reveal will be taking place) is also a major cultural partner as of this year. Courage inquired about displaying lyrics for performances to be able to follow along.

leZlie advised that Saturday night there would be an evening of performances by D/deaf and hard of hearing folks, so please come out and support. Courage will be there. Pay what you can. 


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: March 5, 2024
  • In Camera Minutes: March 19, 2024

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover:  Troy Dunn

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting: May 21, 2024 Chair advised the next meeting will be held on May 21, 2024.Discussed

All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Troy Dunn

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Date Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Time 6:00pm – 7:17pm EST
Location Online

Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana


Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus, Victor Perez-Amado

ASL Interpretation N/A

Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – May 21, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Mariana Mota

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Land Acknowledgement

Grant delivered land acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2024 #4

Motion: To approve the April 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Mariana Mota

Seconder: Viviana Santibanez

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report 

  • Emergency Response Plan

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. 

Discussion was held on dispatch operations. Corporate fundraising deck is on pause, as a few approvals are needed. 

Feedback on the accessibility statement was that it would be good to be more specific on what we are doing as an organization (such as attendant care and sunflower scheme (we’re now registered with the organization)). 

Executive Director: more detailed statement will be on our landing page. Seeking endorsement from the Board on accessibility statement. 

Board came to a consensus that everyone was comfortable with the statement. 

The Emergency Plan was shared with the Board. It was discussed that a few pieces were still being greenlit from the City; once finalized some pieces will be shared with key stakeholders, like sponsors.

ED looking for Board support to join ED and Yuri (former Board Member) in helping to manage the Drag Ball Meet and Greet (Saturday of Festival Weekend at Nathan Phillips Square, above the Hero Burger): 

leZlie, Nirmalan, Anmol, and Osmel all agreed to support.

Mariana agreed to join the Dispute Resolution Committee.

Scholarship Committee will need two Board Members to join. Discussed that this is not an academic scholarship, but instead a scholarship based on needs.  Process: committee meeting will be held to discuss the process, then committee will receive all applications, then a second and final committee meeting will be held to select top candidates. Meetings will take place after the Festival to confirm that applicants are volunteers.Troy and Mariana volunteered to join the committee. An Educator will also be identified to join the committee.

Discussion was held on approval of funds to provide food bags for newcomers to be distributed before Newcomers Pride in Partnership with refugee organizations (like PWA and African Centre of Refugees). Discussion was also held about including LatinX newcomers.

Discussion was held on working with Caribbean Carnival on releasing a statement in early June about underfunding of our programs, in comparison to the money we bring into the city. This would include a call on all levels of government for more support. Board mentioned the need to approve with the caveat of looking at accessibility at our respective Festivals.


Motion: To approve $1200 for food bags for Latin X and African refugees (by working with civil society organizations to identify specific groups) (Approved). 

Mover: leZlie lee kam

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Abstain: Viviana Santibanez

Motion: To approve a joint statement between Pride Toronto and Caribbean Carnival regarding funding from all levels of government (Approved).  

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconded: leZlie lee kam

Abstain: Mariana Mota

Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

  • Review of the 2023-24 Budget
  • 2024-25 Budget Process

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report

Discussion was held on the revised  2023/2024 (Festival 2024) budget (which included details on the grants (approved, received and awaiting payment).

Discussion was held on the 2024/2025 (Festival 2025) budget, including moving the grants back to original goal as we now have a full Fund Development team. Treasurer reminded the Board that this is a living document and amendments can be made as needed.

Motion: to approve the amended budget for 2023-2024 (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Motion: to approve the 2024-2025 budget (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Other Business/Updates

  • FYI: Board Engagement Sign-Up 
  • May 25: Friends of Hanlan’s Point Event
  • May 25: Rainbow Senior Showcase (Buddies) 
  • June 14: Blue Jays Pride Night

Board Engagement Sign Up

Reminder to the Board to check and sign up on the ‘Board Engagement Sign Up’ as it does get updated quite regularly, and there are quite a few events coming up. 

May 25

This event will feature eight Rainbow Seniors, funded by Pride Remembrance Fund. There is a full tech dress rehearsal tomorrow if you can’t attend on May 25.

June 15
Pride Toronto Seniors Event at Rekai Centre. This will be the third annual event


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: April 16, 2024


Motion: To move in camera (Approved). 

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja  

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting: June 18, 2024

Chair advised the next meeting will be held on June 18, 2024.



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja

Seconder: Mariana Mota


Tuesday, June 18, 2024


6:00pm-7:32 pm EST


In Person


Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana


Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus

ASL Interpretation


Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – June 18, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair leZlie lee kam

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Grant Gonzales

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Land Acknowledgement

Victor Perez-Amado delivered land acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2024 #5

Motion: To approve the May 21, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report 

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. 

Discussion was held on which Board Directors would support (ie. by bringing greetings or land acknowledgement) and attend different events over the Festival Weekend, such as the Opening Ceremony.

Discussion was held on having a Pipe ceremony and African Ancestral blessing on the Friday of Festival Weekend, to begin the weekend with positive energy and good intentions, which would include senior leadership team, the Board, some International Honoured Guests and would be led by community Elders.


Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report

This time of year there is a big focus on receiving sponsorship commitments, Parade and StreetFair commitments. As well as receiving and paying customer invoices. Grant funds are being received as well. 

Festival specific costs were also reviewed amongst the Board, including items like permits.

Reminder to Board Members to submit all expenses by the end of fiscal year for processing.


Other Business/Updates

  • FYI: Board Engagement Sign-Up 
  • Festival Board Expectations

Board Engagement Sign Up – was covered during the ED report.

Board Expectations:

Review of expectations of Board Members during the Festival Weekend were covered. Board may be asked for ad hoc support where needed. Parameters of Board roles were covered (including levels of access); the ED is the main contact for the Board during Festival Weekend. Board Members encouraged to be helpful to staff, visit VIP areas, try to attend as many stages as possible, and stop by the volunteer area and sponsor booths. Volunteers may also approach to ask for help – important to help where possible and/or redirect them to staff. 


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Festival Planning

Chair led discussion on Festival Planning.

Motion: To move in camera (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes 

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised they will connect on when the next meeting would be, either in July or pushed to August.



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Troy Dunn

Seconder: Viviana Santibanez


Tuesday, August 20, 2024


6:00pm-8:36pm EST




Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez


Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana



ASL Interpretation

Jo-Ann Martin, Anne Websdale

Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – August 20, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales.

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Land Acknowledgement

Nirmalan Vijeyakumar delivered land acknowledgment.


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – June 18, 2024 #6

Motion: To approve the June 18, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.

The only addition to the tracker was to move forward with the Tourism Growth Program grant.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report 

  • Festival Debrief

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. 

Discussion was held on how post Festival debriefs (with sponsors, artists, community stakeholders etc.) have been going. Overwhelmingly positive feedback; stakeholders are really happy; and also provided constructive feedback. Board Members were also reminded to provide their festival feedback, so that staff can take use their input for planning for next year.



Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report

Update was provided to the Board that the majority of sponsorship funds had been received, and we are just waiting for a few more payments. All artist payments for the 2024 Festival have been completed. Grant updates regarding payments and reporting updates were provided. Currently, the priority is to prepare for the annual audit. The target date to begin the audit is the first week of September.


Fall Board Planning Overview (Ongoing Committee Work, ED Performance Review, Board Recruitment, AGM Planning)

Overview of priorities and what to expect this Fall provided to the Board by the Chair:

  • Ongoing Committee Work: Board Members will be diving into committee work and were reminded to account for committee time in their calendars.
  • Executive Director Performance Review: staff performance reviews take place in the beginning of the fiscal year, and responsibility of the ED’s performance review is led by the Board. 
  • Board Recruitment: three seats will be up for election (full three year terms each). Recruitment will begin in October.
  • AM: more details to come in September, but some key decisions need to be made (such as in person, online or hybrid) to help with planning. 

Executive Director provided an update that after the staff retreat, there would be a board retreat in the Fall, so that the Board could come together to plan and discuss important topics.


Membership Process


From March to July 2024, the Board saw a drastic increase in Membership applications, and so put approvals on hold to review the process.

The Secretary provided an update to the rest of the Board on the current Membership application form process. Secretary advised that he reviewed our current bylaws, legislature and what other member organizations’ practices are. Board discussed options in revising the current application process (without creating additional barriers for people)  to ensure that potential Members are legitimately interested in Membership at Pride Toronto.

Board agreed that a short supplementary questionnaire would be sent to the influx of applicants (over 200 potential members) to further verify their legitimacy, however agreed to approve the renewal applications that were received. 

Nirmalan Vijeyakumar abstained from the vote as their Membership was up for renewal. 

Motion: To approve the renewal Membership Applications (Approved). 

Mover: Troy Dunn

Seconder: Viviana Santibanez

Other Business/Updates

  • Reschedule Sept., Nov., and Dec. Board Meetings

Chair led discussion to reschedule Fall Board meeting dates to take into consideration other scheduled events.

September: meeting changed to Monday, September 16th.

October: meeting to remain on Tuesday, October 15th.

November: meeting changes to Tuesday, November 26th. 

December: to be determined later in the year.


Committee Assignments: Current Sign-Up List

  • Executive Committee
  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee 

Secretary and Chair (remainder of the meeting chaired by Co-Chair leZlie lee kam).

Thank you was provided to ASL interpreters and to notetaker, as well as Grant for the updates on the Terms of Reference (ToR).

The Terms of Reference documents for the committees will remain in draft form, so that committee members can have a chance to review and work on them. Once committees finalize  their own ToR, the full Board will review and approve them. It was decided that the Governance and Policy Committee will also be responsible for succession planning, because they also oversee Board recruitment.

Priority for committees’ first meeting will  be to review/update the mandate and the work they would like to prioritize over the next 6 months, and work on the terms of reference as mentioned above. 

Each Board Member signed up for two or more committees. Secretary to support to with setting up the first meeting. Co-Chair leZlie and Secretary to follow up with each committee to make sure they have met and looked at ToR.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Festival Planning
  • Community/Stakeholder Issues 

Chair led discussion on Festival Planning and Community/Stakeholder Issues .


Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Anmol Budhiraja


Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised the next meeting in September 2024 will be confirmed: Monday 16th



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Viviana Santibanez

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado


Monday, September 16, 2024


6:00pm-7:30pm EST




Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Mariana Mota, Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Troy Dunn, Victor Perez-Amado


Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana


Viviana Santibanez

ASL Interpretation

Cynthia Carruthers and Marcia Adolphe


Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – September 20, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales. A few items were added to the agenda (Honoured Positions Selection, International Impact Fund Committee

and Puncture Renewal) before approval.

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Mariana  Mota

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Land Acknowledgement

Grant Gonzales delivered land acknowledgment.

Nirmalan Vijeyakumar delivered African Ancestral land acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – August 20, 2024 #7

Motion: To approve the August 20, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.


One item to the tracker was added and approved since the last meeting.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.



Standing Item: ED Report 

  • Festival Debrief Update
  • Residential Elders Recommendation
  • Recommendation
  • Honoured Positions Selection Committee
  • International Impact Fund Committee
  • Puncture Renewal (from August ED) Report) 

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. 


Discussion was held about the  year over year impact of visitors to the Pride Festival. The number of international visitors decreased in the 2024 Festival, but overall visitors increased by a little. The number of international visitors decreased because of the global economic downturn.


Truth and Reconciliation Day is on Monday, September 30th. The Community Engagement team is connecting with 2Spirited People of the First Nations on supporting any current initiatives, such as the event at Nathan Phillips Square.



We are partnering with Central Neighbourhood House to provide 200 meals for newcomers. There will be two shifts for the board to join; and the focus will be to help with serving meals. There will be very few Pride Toronto staff at the event. The goal is that the Board of both organizations (and volunteers will support at this event.


Toronto Metropolitan University

Victor wanted to update the board on this course. There is no financial gain with the course. The students are going to do research on Festival accessibility (with support of Dania Niles, Community Engagement Manager) and environmental sustainability (with the support of Bobby MacPerson, Senior Director of Operations). The staff team will provide information for students; who are very excited about this course.


Puncture Renewal

Asking for approval for Puncture to support our Festival theme for the third year. The Request for Proposal for 2026 will go out in a month or two.


Security Grant

Request for two Board Members to take a quick look at the City of Toronto Security Grant before it is submitted. Osmel and Anmol volunteered to review the grant application.


Festival Debrief Update

All the feedback received was great. There were no major red flags that came out of the debriefs.


Residential Elders Recommendation

Recommendation is to invite Aina-Nia Ayo’dele and Elder Blu to support throughout the year and at the Festival.


Honoured Positions Selection Committee and International Impact Fund Committee

Nirmalan, Mariana and Anmol will join both committees.


October 2nd – Day of Older Persons. Senior Pride Network is planning an event at the 519. All Board Members are welcome to attend.

Motion: to accept the Executive Director (ED) recommendation to proceed with Aina-Nia Ayo’dele and Elder Blu as Elders in Residence, with $500/month honorarium, and accessible transportation as needed (Approved).

Mover: leZlie lee kam

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar


Motion: to accept the ED recommendation to approve Puncture as creative agency for the 2025 festival (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam


Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report


All artists, vendors and suppliers have been paid. More info to be provided at the end of this week or next week. Two outstanding grants remain.


We are moving forward with auditors for the 2024 audit; all questions should be answered by end of the month.


AGM Planning and Board Recruitment 



Looking to proceed with virtual meeting. The Board Executive is the committee that will lead AGM planning.


Please respond to Directors to move forward with the meeting and other committee meetings.


Membership Process: Update/Next Steps

Secretary – Nirmalan


Work in progress and more information to come in the next few weeks.


Other Business/Updates



Update from leZlie: on short leave of absence.


Committee Assignments: Current Sign-Up List

  • Executive Committee
  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee 

Secretary and Chair


Committees need to meet first, and the priority for October will be to approve Terms of Reference.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Approval of In-Camera Minutes: August 20, 2024
  • Executive Director Performance Review
  • Executive Director Compensation Review 

Chair and Secretary

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes 

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado


Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised the next meeting will be on October 15, 2024



All Board Members.


Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Troy Dunn

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado


Tuesday, October 15, 2024


6:00pm- 7:45pm EST




Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana


Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus  leZlie lee kam, Troy Dunn

ASL Interpretation


Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – October 15, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales. 

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Land Acknowledgement

Grant delivered Indigenous land acknowledgment, and African Ancestral land acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – September 16, 2024 #8

Motion: To approve the September 16th, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.

One approval was made since the last meeting to approve the Senior Leadership Team decision regarding Festival portable toilet cleaning.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Puncture Presentation

Team from Puncture, including Kristofer, Yasmin, and Sabrina joined the Board meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to review last year’s Festival theme, and gather ideas from the Board to inform the 2025 theme and messaging. Following questions were asked of the Board Members to collect information:

  • What did you like about last year’s theme? What did you not?
  • What are some important messages or topics that we want to capture next year?
  • How do we measure a successful theme statement? 
  • How do you define the key objectives (what should people feel or experience?

Standing Item: ED Report 

  • Central Nbhd. House Event Debrief

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update, and thanked the Board for supporting the Thanksgiving meal distribution event held at Central Neighbourhood House. The staff presentation and annual work plan that was part of the ED report was highlighted as it shows the team’s focus for the next six months.

Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report

Annual audit continues. Relevant documents have been sent to the auditor.


Membership Process: Update/Next Steps 

Update provided by Board Secretary, Nirmalan. Three lists of Membership applications were sent to the Board of Directors.  It was decided that the new Membership questionnaire questions would be added permanently to the Membership applications moving forward.

Motion: To approve Membership Applications from Pride Toronto volunteers and from applicants who successfully completed the Membership questionnaire (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Committee Updates / Approval of the Terms of Reference 

  • Executive Committee
  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee 

Executive Committee: Terms of Reference has been updated.

Advocacy, Equity and Human Rights Committee: Terms of Reference has been updated. The committee is also in the process of  identifying who the Chair should be, and one to two areas of focus for the committee.

Finance and Audit Committee: Update provided during Finance report

Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee: The Committee has selected Osmel to Chair the meetings. Dates and times for meetings have been set up. The committee needs to review terms of reference. 

Motion: To approve the updated Terms of Reference for the Executive Committee, Advocacy, Equity and Human Rights Committee, and Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Motion: To approve Osmel as Chair of Sponsor and Fund Development Committee (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Viviana Santibanez

Other Business/Updates

Board recruitment: We have up to three positions open. This will be a standard call out, that will highlight specific groups and experience that would be great to add to the Board of Directors.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Approval of In-Camera Minutes: Sept. 16, 2024
  • Staff Update 
  • ED Performance/Compensation Review

Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Approval of In-Camera Minutes: August 20, 2024
  • Executive Director Performance Review
  • Executive Director Compensation Review 

Chair and Secretary

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised the next meeting will be on November 26, 2024



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Osmel Maynes 


Tuesday, November 26, 2024


6:00pm- 9:00pm EST.




Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez, Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus,  leZlie lee kam, Troy Dunn

Staff: Kojo Modeste



ASL Interpretation

Jo-Ann Martin, Marcia Adolphe



Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – November 26, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales. 

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Victor Perez-Amado

Seconder: Mariana Mota

Land Acknowledgement

Grant delivered Indigenous Land Acknowledgment and African Ancestral Acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – October 15, 2024 #9

Motion: To approve the October 15th, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja

Seconder: Osmel Maynes

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update.


Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer provided the Treasurer’s report

Annual audit continues. The Auditor will present at the next Board meeting and at the Annual Meeting. 

A discussion was had regarding cash flows, receivables and line of credit. The Senior Leadership continues to meet and identify efficiencies which will be discussed at the Finance Committee. 

The insurance broker is expected to present renewal terms and costs within the next few weeks. The Board will be asked to vote  via email.


Board Recruitment Update and Interview Planning

  • Confirm Interview Panel 

A total of 25 applications have been received.

Members of the Governance Committee will have first right of refusal to be on the interview sub-committee. The following have been selected to the sub-committee.

  • Grant (Chair), Troy, Mariana, Viviana
  • Lezlie and Osmel (Backup Chairs)
  • Kojo (Ex officio)


By-Law Amendments Update

Grant, Nipuni and Kojo have met with Fasken to receive advice on updates to By-Law No 1. A package will be provided to the December meeting for Board approval. 


Membership Approvals

The Secretary submitted the new members and renewing member applications for Board consideration. 

Motion: To approve Membership Applications (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Viviana Santibanez

Committee Updates / Approval of the Terms of Reference 

  • Executive Committee
  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee 

Executive Committee: No update. 

Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee: No Update. Meetings need to be scheduled.

Finance and Audit Committee: The Not-for-Profit Act requires the majority of the audit committee to not be Officers of the Board. A follow-up will be sent to Board members to discuss interest in joining. 

Governance and Policy Committee: No update.

Sponsorship Committee: Board members with potential sponsorship leads are asked to submit contact information to the Director of Development. 


Other Business/Updates

  • ED Town Hall (November 27, 2024) 
  • Partner Symposium (November 28, 2024) 
  • Newcomers Holiday Dinner (December 7, 2024)
  • PT Board/Staff Holiday Party (December 17, 2024)  

A reminder was provided on the ED town hall, partner symposium, newcomers holiday party and the Board/Staff holiday party. 

leZlie thanked the ASL interpreters. 


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Approval of In-Camera Minutes: October 15, 2024
  • ED Performance/Compensation Review

Chair and Secretary

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised the next meeting will be on December 16, 2024



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja

Seconder: leZlie lee kam


Monday, December 16, 2024


6:00pm- 9:20pm EST




Board: Anmol Budhiraja, Grant Gonzales, Mariana Mota, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Osmel Maynes, Victor Perez-Amado, Viviana Santibanez,  leZlie lee kam, Troy Dunn

Staff: Kojo Modeste


Natasha ‘Courage’ Bacchus, Viviana Santibanez

ASL Interpretation




Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – November 26, 2024

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales. 

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Victor Perez-Amado

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Land Acknowledgement

Victor Perez-Amado delivered Indigenous Land Acknowledgment and Grant Gonzales delivered African Ancestral Acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – November 26, 2024 #10

Motion: To approve the November 26th, 2024 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Board Decision Tracker 

Chair advised on document for reference; one addition regarding insurance coverage was approved. 


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report

The Executive Director provided the monthly organizational update. Discussion was held on rising Festival costs and operational costs.


Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

  • Audited Financial Statements

Rachel Cairns and Chandor Gauthier from Crowe-Soberman LLP, and Finance Manager Amit Kumar joined the Board meeting for this portion to review the audit for fiscal year 2023-2024. Discussion was held on findings and recommendations to be implemented.

Motion: That the Board recommends the reappointment of Crowe-Soberman LLP for the fiscal year audit for 2024-2025 (Approved).

Mover: Victor Perez-Amado

Seconder: Osmel Maynes

Motion: That the Board approve the audit report for the fiscal year 2023-2024 by Crowe-Soberman LLP and that it be presented to the Membership at the Annual Meeting on January 30, 2025 (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Membership Approvals

The Secretary submitted the new and renewing member applications for Board consideration. 

Grant Gonzales abstained from the vote as he was part of the renewal list.

Motion: To approve Membership Applications (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Policy and Governance

  • Board Slate Recommendations
  • By-Law Amendments 
  • Annual Meeting Update

Board Slate Recommendations

Briefing note was provided to the Board providing an overview of the recruitment and interview process. 24 applications were received in total. Considering a combination of skills and experience, Maria Diaz, Amber Ye and Gabriel Jarquin were selected by the Board Recruitment Committee to move forward for election to the Board of Directors at the upcoming Annual Meeting. 

Considering their strong skill sets and lived experience, two candidates, Nigel Chikukwa and Lance Novak, have been recommended to join Board committees, pending their interests.

As part of the ongoing work through the Memorandum of Understanding with 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations and Indigiqueer, the Board Recruitment Committee recommended that the Board, by resolution, formally record its intent to amend the by-laws at the 2026 Annual Meeting to reserve one seat for an Indigenous person who is a member of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, or the Wendat peoples (Toronto is situated on these nations’ traditional territories). 


By-Law Amendments

Grant presented updates to the Pride Toronto By-Laws that have been recommended through consultation with the legal team at Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.  Changes include both terminology and substantive edits to ensure consistency and compliance with the Ontario Not-for-profit Corporations (ONCA) act. Updates would be presented at the upcoming Annual Meeting, and will require a special resolution .

Annual Meeting Update

The Board discussed that the Agenda at the upcoming Annual Meeting will include typical agenda (approval of last year’s Minutes, ED/Co-Chair report, audit report, Board elections, By-Law updates). GetQuorum will be the online meeting and voting platform. Board requested to hold January 7, 2025 as a date to review any timely materials for the Annual Meeting. Board also reminded that January 23, 2025 would be a Membership Meeting to introduce Board Candidates and review By-Law updates with Members, ahead of the January 30, 2025 Annual Meeting.


Motion: That the Board of Directors approves Maria Diaz, Gabriel Jarquin, and Amber Ye for the Board’s slate of candidates for election at the Annual Meeting on January 30, 2025 (Approved).

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Mariana Mota

Motion: To approve Pride Toronto Memberships for the three Board Candidates (Maria Diaz, Gabriel Jarquin and Amber Ye) that will be up for election at the Annual Meeting and two candidates (Nigel Chikukwa and Lance Novak) who are recommended to support with Board Committees (Approved):

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja

Seconder: Victor Perez-Amado

Motion: That the Board of Directors express its intent to proceed with amendments to By-Law No. 1, to be formally approved at the Annual Meeting in 2026, to reserve one Board Director seat for an Indigenous person who is a member of the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, or the Wendat peoples, subject to further discussions with  2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations and Indigiqueer (Approved). 

Mover: lezlie lee kam

Seconder: Mariana Mota

Motion: That the Board of Directors approves the amendments to By-Law 1 in principle and for formal approval at the upcoming annual meeting (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Committee Updates

  • Executive Committee
  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Sponsorship and Fund Development Committee 

No updates from the committees.


Other Business/Updates

  • PT Board/Staff Holiday Party (December 17, 2024)   

A reminder was provided about the Board/Staff holiday party taking place on December 17th. 


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  •  Approval of In-Camera Minutes: November 26, 2024

Chair and Secretary

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover: Anmol Budhiraja

Seconder: Mariana Mota

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting

Chair advised the next meeting will be on January 21, 2025.



All Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: leZlie lee kam


Grant Information Overview

 Grants Awarded 
Publish DateFunder NameGrant NameAmount AwardedProject DescriptionProject ObjectivesHow We Are Using FundsFunding TermFinal Amount Spent
Need to be on website when we get a marketing managerMinistry of Tourism, Culture and SportReconnect Ontario$185000The 2022 Reconnect Ontario program supports festivals and events with a tourism economic impact to motivate visitors to rediscover Ontario, reconnect people with local experiences and generate increased tourism spending.
  • Offer safe experiences that encourage people to travel locally, participate and rediscover the beauty and diversity of all that Ontario communities have to offer
  • Draw tourists and local visitors, whether in person or virtually, through innovative programming, and provide positive economic impact for the local community, the region and the province
  • Provide job opportunities for Ontarians, particularly in the tourism, culture and entertainment sectors
  • Increase Ontario’s profile through media and/or broadcast exposure to instill interest in future travel to the province.
Funding provided will be used to support the costs incurred at Pride Festival.
Including but not limited to:


  • artist fees
  • production costs for artistic activations
  • traditional teaching
  • facility rentals
  • infrastructure requirements
April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023183037.75
Need to be on website when we get a marketing managerCanadian HeritageBuilding Communities Through Arts and Heritage: Festivals Component$99800PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: To engage citizens in their local communities through performing and visual arts, as well as through the expression, celebration, and preservation of local historical heritage.
  • Local citizens are provided with opportunities to engage in their communities through local arts and heritage
  • Local partners within the community provide support to funded local festival, community anniversary and/or legacy projects
  • Local citizens have opportunities to be exposed to local arts and heritage
  • Local artists, artisans and/or heritage performers are provided with opportunities to engage in their communities through local arts and heritage
Funding provided will be used to support the costs incurred at Pride Festival.
Including but not limited to:
  • artist fees
  • production costs for artistic activations
  • traditional teaching
  • facility rentals
  • infrastructure requirements
April 1, 2022 – March 31, 202387827.88
Waiting for allowance to annouceMinistry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture IndustriesTourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund (TRF)$1,000,000 ($788,112.44 spent in 2022)

The Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund (TEDRF) program is an application-based, costsharing program designed to provide non-capital funding to projects that encourage the development of innovative new tourism products, support tourism investment or build the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry.

The program is also supporting innovative tourism recovery projects aimed at increasing visitation across Ontario and addressing the reduction in global travel as a result of COVID-19. TEDRF will provide support to Ontario tourism industry associations to help offset membership fees and support industry recovery through access to membership services and benefits.

The Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund program aims to support projects that will increase tourist visitation and visitor spending in Ontario by:


  1. Developing innovative tourism products and experiences
  2. Increasing domestic and/or foreign private sector tourism investment
  3. Supporting workforce development, including strengthening employment opportunities in the tourism sector and building the capacity of the tourism workforce
  4. Supporting tourism sector associations’ efforts to advance the competitiveness and growth of the tourism industry.

The TRF funding would be used to support the following activities:

New Event Offerings: Host signature events that will have well known artists to attract tourists to Toronto. We will hire staff to run this programming.

Enhanced Event Offerings: The project will support the enhancement and modernization of events. Specifically the project will support:


  • Establishment of Signature Events that will take place between June 8th and 19th, 2022,and include The Fierce & The Reckless Pride 2022 Kick-Off Celebration; Community Connect Events throughout the GTA, including Scarborough, North York, and Etobicoke; Cabana Pool Party with drag performances; and Til Sunset: The Jam Down music event on Toronto Island;
  • Development of a Mobile App; and (do this in the fall)
  • Development of Community Zones

Greening Activities: The project will support sustainable technology, such as biodiesel generators, including the purchase of bio-fuel that will decrease environment impacts. An environmental feasibility study, conducted during the 2022 Pride Festival, will also be supported.

Proposed COVID-19 Adaptions: The project will support the implementation of health and safety measures to improve security and sanitization; and the use of a cashless donation system.

Economic Development Report: The organization will work with IPSOS to complete a report demonstrating the economic impacts of the Pride Festival.

Accessibility: American Sign Language Services for events, Personal Attendant Care, devices for d/Deaf hard of hearing, accessibility seating and access to events

August 1, 2021 – March 31, 2023788112.44
07.25.2022City of TorontoCultueral Festival Funding Program$260000The City of Toronto recognizes the importance of cultural festivals to the cultural, social, and economic life of the city. The Cultural Festivals Funding Program (CFFP) has been designed to support the development of the festival sector in a manner that is accessible, transparent and accountable. The CFFP will advance the City’s access, equity and inclusion goals.The program provides financial support to recurring cultural festivals whose programming supports city-building, focuses on engaging with the people of Toronto, serves Toronto residents across the city, and promotes opportunities for emerging artists. A significant programming component must be free to the public.Funding provided will be used to support the costs incurred at Pride Festival.
Including but not limited to:


  • artist fees
  • production costs for artistic activations
  • marketing
  • rent and utilities
  • salaries and fees
  • volunteer training
  • health & safety measures
April 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022259600.14
06.03.22Canadian HeritageCommunity Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program – Events$60000CSMARI Program supports the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage, by building on Canada’s strength as a diverse and inclusive society.The Program and the Events component objectives are to: – support communities in confronting racism and discrimination, promoting intercultural and interfaith understanding and fostering equitable opportunities to participate fully in Canadian society; – promote and engage in discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination at the domestic and international levels; – strengthen research and evidence to build understanding of the disparities and challenges faced by racialized and religious minority communities, and Indigenous Peoples.This grant was applied in conjunction with 2Spiritn Peoples of First Nations Canada. Funding provided will be used to support the costs incurred at Pride Festival.
Including but not limited too:
  • Indigenous 2Spirit Pow Wow:
  • artist fees
  • production costs for artistic activations
  • traditional teaching
  • facility rentals
  • infrastructure requirements
June 1, 2022 – June 30, 2022$60000
06.03.22Employment and Social Development CanadaCanada Summer Jobs$58076This project has been funded by the Government of Canada’s Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ).
CSJ is a program under the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to provide flexible and holistic services to help all young Canadians develop the skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition into the labour market.
The CSJ program objectives align with the redesigned Youth Employment and Skills Strategy and are as follows:
  • provide quality work experiences for youth.
  • respond to national and local priorities to improve access to the labour market for youth who face unique barriers.
  • provide opportunities for youth to develop and improve their skills.

Objective 1: Provide quality work experiences for youth.

Objective 2: Provide youth with opportunity to develop and improve their skills.

Objective 3: Respond to national and local priorities to improve access to the labour market for youth who face unique barriers.

  • Funding provides Pride Toronto to hire 12 staff between the ages of 15 – 30 years of age.
  • Roles are to support Pride 2022.
  • Staff hired will be fulltime employees for eight weeks.
  • Rate of pay $16.00 per hour.Roles are:
  • Entertainment Agents (2)
  • Community Liaison Workers (2)
  • Major Community Projects Coordinator (2)
  • Environmental Program Coordinator(2)
  • Finance Clerk (1)
  • Office Administrative Assistant (1)
  • Operations Officer – Administration (1)
  • Marketing Assistant (1)
May 6, 2022 – July 31, 2022$27145

 Grants Awarded 
Publish DateFunder NameGrant NameAmount AwardedProject DescriptionProject ObjectivesHow We Are Using FundsFunding TermFinal Amount Spent
 City of TorontoCultural Festival Funding Program$260000The Cultural Festivals Funding Program (CFFP) is designed to support the development of the festival sector in a manner that is accessible, transparent and accountable. The CFFP advances the City’s access, equity and inclusion goals, including reconciliation with Indigenous peoples.The program provides financial support to recurring cultural festivals whose programming supports community-building, focuses on engaging with the people of Toronto, serves Toronto residents across the city and promotes opportunities for emerging artists, Indigenous artists and artists from other groups. A significant programming component must occur in the public realm and be free to the public or offered at a nominal fee.Sustain 2023 Toronto Pride general festival operations and programming expenditures.January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023$259995.58
 Government of OntarioOntario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant$20000The Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant (2023-24) is a $12.75-million grant program that will provide funds to eligible faith-based, cultural, 2SLGBTQQIA+, First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Urban Indigenous organizations and communities to enhance or implement measures to ensure community spaces remain safe and secure from hate-motivated incidents.The Ontario Anti-Hate Security and Prevention Grant aims to:
-Combat hate in Ontario
-Build stronger, safer and more inclusive communities
Enhance Pride Toronto’s Emergency Response Plan and Harm Reduction program in addition to standard saftey and security protocols in partnership with Toronto Police Department .January 1, 2023 – November 7, 2023$20000
 Fierte CanadaCommunity Safety$250000Amidst a climate of rising anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate in Canada and around the world, Fierté Canada Pride — Canada’s network of Pride organizations — has received a $1.5 million investment that will support anti-hate measures for Pride festivals. From small festivals to the largest in the country, prides across Canada are encountering rising costs due to increased incidents of hate.The Fierte Canada Community Saftey grant funding recieved from the federal department of Women and Gender Equality will be distributed by Fierté Canada Pride in order to offset these increased costs for Pride festivals to ensure saftey and security of peformers, staff, volunteers, toursists and other attendeesIncreasing Toronto Pride Festival Police and Security protections for festival attendeessJune 1, 2023 – March 31, 2023$250000
 Canadian HeritageBuilding Local Communities Through Arts and Heritage: Indigenous$25000The Building Communities through Arts and Heritage program was created to help you celebrate your community – both its past and its present. This program increases opportunities for local artists; local artisans; local heritage performers or specialists; and local First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultural carriers to be involved in their community through festivals, events and projects. It also allows local groups to commemorate their local history and heritage.The Local Festivals component provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, local artisans, local heritage performers, and local cultural carriers.Support Toronto Pride Festival Indigenous programming and community activations.April 1-Aug 31, 2023$25000
 Canadian HeritageCommunity Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program – Events$60000CSMARI Program supports the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage, by building on Canada’s strength as a diverse and inclusive society.The Program and the Events component objectives are to: – support communities in confronting racism and discrimination, promoting intercultural and interfaith understanding and fostering equitable opportunities to participate fully in Canadian society; – promote and engage in discussions on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination at the domestic and international levels; – strengthen research and evidence to build understanding of the disparities and challenges faced by racialized and religious minority communities, and Indigenous Peoples.Funding provided will be used to support the costs incurred at Pride Festival.
Including but not limited too:
– Indigenous 2Spirit Pow Wow:
– artist fees
– production costs for artistic activations
– traditional teaching
– facility rentals
– infrastructure requirements
April 1, 2023 – August 31, 2023$60000
 Canadian HeritageBuilding Local Communities Through Arts and Heritage$61700The Building Communities through Arts and Heritage program was created to help you celebrate your community – both its past and its present. This program increases opportunities for local artists; local artisans; local heritage performers or specialists; and local First Nations, Inuit, and Métis cultural carriers to be involved in their community through festivals, events and projects. It also allows local groups to commemorate their local history and heritage.The Local Festivals component provides funding to local groups for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists, local artisans, local heritage performers, and local cultural carriers.Pride Festival 2023 – volunteer training/clothing, local artist expenses, non-capital expenses related to temportary venues (ex: rental stages, tents, risers, traffic barriers), promotion of local artists)April 1-June 30, 2023$61700
 FedGov of CanadaCanada Summer Jobs$33488.97Canada Summer Jobs is a program under the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to provide flexible and holistic services to help all young Canadians develop the skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition into the labour market.Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) provides wage subsidies to employers to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years.Hire Summer x Student Assisstant for 2023 Toronto Pride Festival supportMay 29, 2023 – September 2, 2023$33488.97
 Government of Ontario: Ministry of Tourism, Culture and SportOntario Cultural Attractions Fund (OCAF)$125000The Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund is a program of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport and administered by the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund Corporation.(1) to increase cultural tourism by providing investments to assist Ontario organizations to develop, promote and present one- off or first time events, or a significant expansion of existing activity, which are designed to attract new tourists and visitors to cultural events; (2) increase the earned revenue capability of the applicant organization; and (3) support events that foster economic growth and contribute to job creation.Pride Festival 2023 – General marketing, adversiments and other promotional campaign costs. Pride Guide printing and distribution costs.May 1, 2023 – July 2, 2023$125000
 Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture IndustriesTourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund (TRF)$1,000,000 ($210,035.56 spent in 2023)

The Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund (TEDRF) program is an application-based, costsharing program designed to provide non-capital funding to projects that encourage the development of innovative new tourism products, support tourism investment or build the capacity of Ontario’s tourism industry.

The program is also supporting innovative tourism recovery projects aimed at increasing visitation across Ontario and addressing the reduction in global travel as a result of COVID-19. TEDRF will provide support to Ontario tourism industry associations to help offset membership fees and support industry recovery through access to membership services and benefits.

The Tourism Economic Development and Recovery Fund program aims to support projects that will increase tourist visitation and visitor spending in Ontario by:
1. Developing innovative tourism products and experiences
2. Increasing domestic and/or foreign private sector tourism investment
3. Supporting workforce development, including strengthening employment opportunities in the tourism sector and building the capacity of the tourism workforce
4. Supporting tourism sector associations’ efforts to advance the competitiveness and growth of the tourism industry.

The TRF funding would be used to support the following activities:

New Event Offerings: Host signature events that will have well known artists to attract tourists to Toronto. We will hire staff to run this programming.

Enhanced Event Offerings: The project will support the enhancement and modernization of events. Specifically the project will support:
– Establishment of Signature Events that will take place between June 8th and 19th, 2022,and include The Fierce & The Reckless Pride 2022 Kick-Off Celebration; Community Connect Events throughout the GTA, including Scarborough, North York, and Etobicoke; Cabana Pool Party with drag performances; and Til Sunset: The Jam Down music event on Toronto Island;
– Development of a Mobile App; and (do this in the fall)
– Development of Community Zones

Greening Activities: The project will support sustainable technology, such as biodiesel generators, including the purchase of bio-fuel that will decrease environment impacts. An environmental feasibility study, conducted during the 2022 Pride Festival, will also be supported.

Proposed COVID-19 Adaptions: The project will support the implementation of health and safety measures to improve security and sanitization; and the use of a cashless donation system.

Economic Development Report: The organization will work with IPSOS to complete a report demonstrating the economic impacts of the Pride Festival.

Accessibility: American Sign Language Services for events, Personal Attendant Care, devices for d/Deaf hard of hearing, accessibility seating and access to events

August 1, 2021 – March 31, 2023$210035.56


Annual Meeting 2023


Board Meeting Minutes 2023

Date Tuesday, January 17, 2023 
Time 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online

Board: Samantha Fraser, leZlie lee kam, Moka Dawkins,  Grant Gonzales, Courage, Deidre ‘D-Lishus’ Walton, D!XON, , Maher Sinno. 

Staff: Sherwin Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

Regrets Yuri Hernandez, Jad Jaber
ASL Interpretation Emma Dehez and Marcia Adolphe
Agenda Item  Summary/Notes Motions/Action Items
Land Acknowledgement

Chair delivered the land acknowledgement recognizing traditional Indigenous land.

leZlie share personal reflection: important to have land acknowledgment no matter how small a meeting is and a call to action.

Maher share personal reflection/learning on how concept of a ‘spirit animal’ dates back to indigenous concepts.

Grant Gonzales
Approval of Agenda

Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – January 17, 2023

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Deidre ‘D-lishus’ Walton

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes

  • Board Meeting Minutes – December 20, 2022 #11

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: leZlie lee kam

Seconder: Maher Sinno

Declaration of Conflict of Interest Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability. Discussed
Board Decision Tracker  For information. Requires an update, after which the Board will be asked to ratify.  Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations Secretary (Chair) Discussed
Executive Director Report 

Executive Director Update

Operations – everything is on track. This is the high season for Ops as they are securing vendors.

HR: Ongoing hiring. New positions related specifically for Festival.

Confirmation of $150K Marketing grant received (will have to pay back $50K) – can only apply to this grant once every two years.

Artist registrations – over 200 artists have already applied.

Community Information session held – around 20 new potential artists have attended.

Marketing: in consultation with firm around Festival Marketing. Another priority is the need to revamp our website.

Strat Planning: underway; consultants are reviewing documents.

Womens Celebration: March 8th

Black History Month event: on Feb 18th

Feb 7th: Community consultation for South Asian programming.

Feb 8th: Community consultation for  Middle Eastern programming.

Maher: thank you for social media post about the Toronto City budget. Can support with getting the message out there for the community consultations. 

leZlie: please make sure that Indo-Caribbean folks are included in South Asian community consultations..

Sherwin: looking for support of all Board who identify as women to be a part of Women’s Day programming.

ASL at the event? If there are speakers at event, and if Courage and/or community members who require ASL, we will have ASL interpretation.

leZlie: check with International Women’s Day planning committee so there is no conflict in terms of date. 

leZlie to provide Sherwin with contacts.



Treasurer Report

Treasurer Update

Audit ongoing, so AGM will be pushed later. Expecting update from auditors soon. 

Finance is working on any outstanding sponsor payments.


Motion: To move in camera (Approved).

Mover:  lezlie lee kam

Seconder: Deidre ‘D-lishus’ Walton

Motion:To move out of in camera (Approved).

Mover: lezlie lee kam

Seconder: Deidre ‘D-lishus’ Walton


  • AGM/SGM MInutes (For Review) 
  1. AGM – January 26, 2022 
  2. SGM – April 7, 2022
  3. SGM – April 26, 2022
  4. SGM – September 8, 2022
  • New Dates: Board Director Q&A / AGM 

Co-Chair Update

AGM to be changed to Thursday, Feb 16.

Q&A session will be a week before AGM on Thursday, Feb 9.

AGM Minutes from last year. Ask is for the Board to review AGM Minutes.

Jan 31st: Board meeting to be held to meet with auditors.


Motion: to set the AGM date to Feb 16 (Approved).

Mover: Moka Dawkins

Seconder: Deidre ‘D-lishus’ Walton

Membership Approval

  • Director Slate Appointments 
    • Troy, Osmel, Nirmalan 
  • New Applications / 2-Year Term Renewal 

Co-Chair Update

Moka: update from Membership Application Committee. Reviewing the Member application process and how we track Members.Confusing language on whether or not people need to volunteer.

D-lishus: need to update bylaws and the website; to reflect the current processes.


Motion:  To appoint Troy, Osmel, and Nirmalan as Pride Toronto members (Approved).

Mover: Moka Dawkins

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Motion: Motion to approve the consolidated list of Membership Applications that Grant had emailed fromOctober/November applications (Approved):

Mover: Deidre ‘D-lishus’ Walton

Seconder: Moka Dawkins

Other Business / Extra Time

Moka: Look into Pride Toronto consulting with ODLAN (Ontario Digital Literacy Access Network)  and Pride at Work, as experts in cyber security.

lezlie works with ODLAN (Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network) and Pride at Work; declare conflict of interest. Need to ensure we are keeping all of us safe and protecting ourselves against online bullying or cyberbullying. Lots of companies support this work, such as Media Smarts and Hollaback.

Sherwin: Public Safety measures are important across all Prides in Ontario and security both online and in-person is a priority. To instruct staff to look at best practices with cyber bullying and online attacks, and safety as a compliment to the physical Festival plan.

Board would like to see and receive cyber safety plan  in the near future. 

leZlie: to send list of organizations to Sherwin who specialize in cyber safety and to continue to work on the Membership Application Committee.

In Camera Session  Board Members and Executive Director

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

  • Mover: Moka Dawkins
  • Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Adjournment Board Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Deidre ‘D-lishus’ Walton
  • Seconder: Moka Dawkins
Date Tuesday, January 31, 2023 
Time 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST
Location Online
Attendance Board: Samantha Fraser, leZlie lee kam, Moka Dawkins,  Grant Gonzales, Courage, Yuri Hernandez, D!XON, Maher Sinno. Staff: Sherwin Modeste, Amit, Nipuni Dhanawardana Auditors: Chandor Gauthier, Parker Holman, Adam Scherer
Regrets Jad Jaber 
ASL Interpretation Rogue Benjamin and Dean Wiebe
Agenda Item  Summary/Notes Motions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda Approving the Order of Business: 
  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – January 31, 2023.pdf
Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved).  Mover: Samantha Fraser Seconder:  Moka Dawkins
Land Acknowledgement Executive Director  delivered the land acknowledgement recognizing traditional Indigenous land; way of giving back is ongoing learning. Pride Toronto will be looking to organizing an event to give back to the Indigenous community of Truth and Reconciliation day this year. Sherwin Modeste
Approval of Minutes Approval of Minutes
  • Board Meeting Minutes – January 17, 2023 #12
Motion: To approve the minutes (Approved).  Mover: Samantha Fraser Seconder: Moka Dawkins
Declaration of Conflict of Interest Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability. Clarification for Courage – it is not a conflict of interest to represent d/Deaf and hard of hearing community as a whole, as a Board Member. Discussed
Board Decision Tracker  For information. Requires an update, after which the Board will be asked to ratify.  Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations Secretary (Chair) Discussed
Annual Financial Audit ● Audited Financial Statements ● Appointment of the Auditor Sherwin introduces and thanks, Auditors, Finance Manager and staff Chandor and Parker updates: Audit report content and our 2022 report Explanation of what is in the audit report.  Opening balances and higher risk areas High risk areas: grant revenues and expenses (based on level of complexity, the timing, particular language in the grants), moderate risk (sponsorships – because of financial and nonfinancial sponsorships). Accounting adjustments needed by Crowe-Soberman; this is standard as accounting firms will differ in exactly what numbers they are looking into. 2022 audited financial statements Overview of 2022 report. Internal staff team is working hard to put controls in place and monitor finances. Discussion of in-kind contributions. We need a paper trail of in-kind donors confirming the value of their in-kind contributions and a confirmation they were used within the fiscal year in order to be recognized as an in-kind donor/sponsor. Pride Toronto is no longer relying on estimates. Address notes in statement that have impacted the revenue. Sponsorship – largest stream of revenue; year over year increase. Government and nongovernment funding (grants and subsidies) – second largest revenue stream. Return to in-person events have impacted both revenues and expenses. Largest areas of expenses: Advertising and promotion  Wages and benefits (full time and part time staff hired for Festival) – a lot of this offset by grants like Youth Breaking Barriers. Year over year expense increase related to in-person Festival. Net assets – conversation of the purpose of those funds. When a nonprofit organization builds a have a surplus (don’t need to restrict those funds) but need to have a basis/reason for building up surplus. Statement of Financial Position > Details can be found in Statement of Cash Flows Financial instruments defined as: any of the financial assets or liabilities can include cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable etc. Audit findings and management letter Substantive approach was used. Minutia of the details of the audit findings (ie. recommendations made) are to be reviewed by the staff team members.  Crowe-Soberman has conducted a regular, financial audit – not a forensic audit. Cash Flow discussed. Questions & thank you  Discussed Motion: to approve the 2022 audited financial statements (Approved).
  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: Moka Dawkins
Membership Approval ● New Applications / 2-Year Term Renewal Membership approvals were approved via emails.
In Camera Session  Board Members and Executive Director Motion: To move in camera (Approved). 
  • Mover: Moka Dawkins
  • Seconder: Yuri Hernandez
Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).
Adjournment Board Members Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 
  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: Moka Dawkins
Date Friday, February 3, 2023 
Time 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST
Location Online
Attendance Board: Samantha Fraser, Grant Gonzales, Yuri Hernandez, leZlie lee kam, Maher Sinno Staff: Sherwin Modeste
Regrets Courage, D!XON, Moka Dawkins, Jad Jaber
ASL Interpretation N/A
Agenda Item  Summary/Notes Motions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 
  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – February 3, 2023.pdf
Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved).  Mover: Samantha Fraser Seconder:  leZlie lee kam
Land Acknowledgement Chair delivered the Land Acknowledgement. Grant Gonzales
Declaration of Conflict of Interest Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability. No conflicts were declared. Discussed
Board Update Acknowledgement that d-lishus has resigned from the Board. Discussed
In Camera Session  Board Members and Executive Director Motion: To move in camera (Approved). 
  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: Yuri Hernandez
Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).
Auditor Appointment Recommendation  Board recommendation for the appointment of the auditor at the Annual General Meeting. Motion: Motion to recommend Crowe-Soberman LLP for reappointment as Pride Toronto’s auditors for the 2022-23 fiscal year (Approved). 
  • Mover: leZlie lee kam 
  • Seconder: Samantha Fraser
Adjournment Board Members Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 
  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: Yuri Hernandez
DateTuesday, March 21, 2023 
Time6:00 pm – 9:00pm EST
Location Online

Board: Samantha Fraser, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Troy Dunn, D!XON,  Moka Dawkins,

Staff: Sherwin Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

Other: Jennifer Hanna (Whiteboard Consulting)

RegretsCourage,  Yuri Hernandez, Maher Sinno
ASL InterpretationAlex Skrzyniak, Jo-Ann Martin (at beginning of meeting)
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – March 21, 2023.pdf

Grant welcomes new Board Members and everyone to the meeting.

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder: leZlie lee kam

Land AcknowledgementChair delivered the Land Acknowledgement.Grant Gonzales
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • January 31, 2023
  • February 3, 2023

Motion: To approve the January 31, 2023 minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder: lezlie lee kam

Motion: To approve the February 3, 2023 minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder: lezlie lee kam

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker For information. Requires an update, after which the Board will be asked to ratify. Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Secretary (Chair)

Hoping to update with some shared ideas.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In-Camera Minutes (January 31 – Session 1)
  •  In-Camera Minutes (February 3)
  • Staff Update

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: lezlie lee kam

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Standing Item: Executive Director Report

  • Artist Performance Policy (Board and Staff)

Executive Director

Questions or concerns about the Executive Director report.

Samantha: discussion about new location for Pool Party.

leZlie: discussion about staff wellbeing and retention.

Samantha: creation of a safer space for staff. 

Sherwin: staff support includes several platforms for staff to debrief and discuss. Staff have EAP (Employee Assistance Program) and additional supports, such as half hour of individual time with external consultant.

Nirmalan: do we have KPIs, tracker, what’s at risk for funding?

Sherwin: most of our funds come in right before or during Pride Month. Harder to predict month by month.

Nirmalan: what hiring are we doing?

Sherwin: Canada Summer jobs and we will have liaison roles at the Festival.

Osmel: very interested in grants, sponsorship, HR. Discussion on sponsorships; ED report is great/straight to the point.

Sherwin: Artist Performance Policy

In the audit from federal government they flagged that it is a conflict of interest for Board to perform and be paid. They refused to acknowledge staff who were artists. 

Current staff who are performers will not be performing at Pride 2023.Need to make a decision for this for Board.Intent is that this is the policy for 2023.

Nirmalan: should this be extended to close family/friends.

Troy: perceived conflict of interest. In policy we can have specific examples of when people should recuse themselves.

Samantha: is there a difference between paid and unpaid performances?
Sherwin: not just about cash value, but also publicity and peak time performance.
Samantha- how do we handle this? what about engagement/conversation piece with community so that it doesn’t

Sherwin – was communicated to Blackness! yesterday.

leZlie: does this extend to advisory group?.

Sherwin: different, but they cannot book themselves. These conversations will be led by the Community Engagement Manager.

D!XON: are staff/board allowed to be hired through curators?

Sherwin: issue is not about who is booking but who is paying, and Pride Toronto is paying the invoices.

D!XON – what kind of provisions/historical accuracy can be made when board and/or staff leave? They are a part of marginalized communities. How can they be protected?

Sherwin: individuals are going to have to make decisions on whether they want to perform or be a staff or Board Member.

Grant: Considering cooling off period. Once a Board Member leaves.

Samantha: Could be considered too corporate to have a cooling off period.

Osmel: Pride Toronto needs to be transparent and duties involved as Board Member is important.


Motion: To direct staff to not accept bookings from Board Directors or staff, either paid or unpaid, during the 2023 Pride Festival, and to direct staff to develop a standing policy on Board and staff participation as artists and performers during the Pride Festival and other Pride events throughout the year (Approved).

  • Mover: Osmel Maynes
  • Seconder: Troy Dunn
  • Opposed: D!XON
Standing Item: Treasurer Report

Executive Director

Waiting to hear back from Federal audit.

Board Officer Elections


Overview of Treasurer, Secretary, Co-Chair roles and responsibilities

Yuri nominated leZlie for Co-Chair. Samantha also nominates leZlie. leZlie accepted.

leZlie nominated Grant for Co-Chair, Nirmalan for Secretary and Osmel for Treasurer.

Nirmalan declined due to other responsibilities.

Osmel accepted.

Grant recommended Osmel as Treasurer. 

Samantha nominated Grant for Co-Chair.

Grant accepted.

Grant update from Yuri: Yuri nominated themselves for Secretary.

Welcome team and congratulations to the new Board Officers!


Motion: To approve Grant and leZlie as Co-Chairs, Osmel as Treasurer and Yuri as Secretary (Approved).

Mover: Samantha Fraser.

Seconder: Troy Dunn.

Motion to acclaim roles. 

Motion: to approve Grant and leZlie as Co-Chairs, Osmel as Treasurer and Yuri as Secretary (Approved).

Opposed: None

Abstain: None

Membership Approvals


New process for approvals in the works.

Motion: to approve new Membership Applications (Approved). 

Mover:  Samantha Fraser

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Motion: Approved

Strategic Planning Session:

  • Introductions
  • New Strategic Planning Process
  • Principles of Consensus
  • Revisiting Mission, Vision, and Values

Jennifer Hanna from Whiteboard Consulting joined the meeting. Sherwin intro Jennifer, then had to leave the meeting.

Introductions between Jennifer and the Board.

Strategic Planning presentation:

– Whether the individual is experienced or new to strategic planning, it  is beneficial to have a range of perspectives.

– Big focus is SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.

– Mission, Vision, Values. Individuals vs Team vs Organization. Think about the entirety of the organization. You are thinking of all the stakeholders.

– May 31st – timeline for strategic plan to be completed.

– Strategic Planning overview process.

Stakeholder groups:

  • leZlie: importance of intergenerational perspective to be included in the process of strategic planning. Rainbow Seniors committee to advise the Board on various matters. Need to be included in a bigger way. 
    • Jennifer: this could be identified as a gap. Please check with Sherwin if additional methods to process need to be added..
  • Samantha: Discussion on decision making. Residents (around the area of the Festival), Other Prides, International stakeholders.
  • Osmel: are donors included in sponsors/funders. Add donors.

Overview of RASCI (Responsible, Accountable, Supportive, Consulted and Informed) framework. 

Nirmalan: RASCI is colonial but there isn’t an alternative to offer at the moment. Need to think about more anti colonial, anti racist frameworks. RASCI isn’t the most representative or reflective framework.

Jennifer: acknowledged that there are limitations. It is primarily used to describe how decisions are made.

Nirmalan: perhaps it would be good to separate Black people or Two Spirit people as stakeholders.

leZlie: need Two Spirit people at the helm.

Osmel: need more clarification on SWOT for the Board.

Jennifer provides more instructions on SWOT analysis worksheet for the Board to do on their own. Once completed, worksheet could be shared directly with Jennifer or to Jennifer and all the other Board Members.


Other Business

  • Full-Day Board/Orientation Meeting (April 22)
  • City of Toronto 2SLGBTQ+ Committee Recruitment

Grant: upcoming April 22nd meeting in person. More details are coming.

Committee recruitment: if there are others who would like to join. Touch base with the Board Co-Chairs.

AdjournmentBoard Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: Troy Dunn
DateSaturday, April 22, 2023 
Time10:00 am – 5:00 pm EST
Location Online

Board: Moka Dawkins, Troy Dunn, Samantha Fraser, Grant Gonzales, Yuri Hernandez, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Maher Sinno

Staff: Sherwin Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

Staff Presenters: Amit Kumar, Derek Kang, Bobby MacPherson, Freya Selander, Lee Hamilton, Jamie Nicholson, Shayana Gayle, Dania Niles, Hannah Glover

External: Sophie MacRae (Fasken), Shelly-Ann and Lee Modupeh Anansi Freeman (Uplift Black 365), Jennifer Hanna (Whiteboard Consulting)

RegretsCourage,  D!XON
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Land AcknowledgementMeeting began at 10:18am. Co-Chair, Grant Gonzales delivered land acknowledgmentDiscussed
Opening Remarks

Co-Chair leZlie provided opening remarks, set the tone for the meeting and reminder to 

opening. Reminder set tone for the meeting

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar 

Seconder: Samantha Fraser

Fasken Board Governance Training

Sophie McRae from Fasken presented on Corporate Governance. 

The following topics were covered: Relevant Sources, Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA), Terminology, Members versus Directors, Election and Removal of Directors, Role of Individual Directors, Powers and Meetings, Execution of Documents, Pride Toronto Board of Director Agreement, Officers, Directors and Delegation of Powers, Standard of Care, Directors’ Duties, Directors Deemed Assent, Conflicts of Interest, Members, Pride Toronto Membership, Inspection Rights, Members Access to Corporate, Right to Requisition Meeting, Right to Make a Proposal

Action item: Nipuni to forward the presentation from Sophie/Fasken to the Board once received.

Anti-Black Racism TrainingShelly-Ann and Lee Modupeh Anansi Freeman from Uplift Black 365 facilitated a session on Anti-Black Racism.Discussed
Strategic Planning – Working LunchJennifer Hanna from Whiteboard Consulting facilitated a session for strategic planning to review SWOT analysis and Pride Toronto’s current Mission, Vision, and Values.Discussed
ED/Staff Presentations

Staff Presentation:

Staff team presented on following Festival topics including: General Information and Board Participation, Operations: Parade, StreetFair, Sustainability and Accessibility, COVID-19 and Security, Volunteers, Harm Reduction, Welcome Centres, Marketing, Finance, Grants & Donations, Sponsorships, Major Cultural Events and Visual Arts, Community Engagement, Programming, Lineup and Special Announcements.

Parade de-staging clarification:

Marchers and vehicles to be separated

Accessibility at Nathan Phillips Square:

We will have an accessible space that is closer to the stage. 

Mobility devices:

Walkers and wheelchairs will be available to rent through attendants.

Nirmalan: What is the Communications Strategy around Mayoral Elections happening on Monday, the day after the Pride Parade?

Sherwin: City Councillors cannot piggyback off of existing platforms to promote their campaigns. Letter going out to all candidates (also communicated to parade groups).

Strikes won’t affect performers.

Grant: Reminder to please respect plus one rules. Volunteer – let us know your availability to support with different speaking and attendance engagements.

Samantha: VIP access and General Access. 

Sherwin: this year there will be a path between VIP and General Access.

Sam: Contact for sponsor. Do we have low sensory area?

Sherwin: We are  working on it. 

Moka: Security? What are the trainings?

Sherwin: Security companies we work with go through trainings.

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker Two updates made on Decision Tracker (Office and Performances). Information has been reflected on there.Discussed

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

  • 2023-24 Budget / Audit Process (FYI) 
Treasurer report – short but comprehensive update from Amit. Osmel and Amit will be working together. 

Board Orientation

  • Standing Board Meetings (Confirm Date) 
  • Code of Conduct
  • Board/Staff Communications
  • Policies (Finance, Expenses/Mileage, Travel)

Board Orientation – will need to spend more time on this.

Standing Board meetings – discussion on discussion time management. Currently board meetings are the third Tuesday of every month. We can revisit this, to ensure it reflects the current Board’s availability best. We will send a poll to figure out a better time. Meetings will remain on Tuesdays until June. Change will be from July onwards.

Code of Conduct: need to take a look at this to improve communication with one another. Need to build more understanding with each other and have constructive conversations.

Troy: professional tone in emails is needed.

leZlie: respect is the bottom line. Kindness needed.

Sam: Best to potentially have 5 min check in at the beginning to see how people are  and where they are at.

Osmel: Main focus of the Board needs to be Governance and not Operations. There are lots of operational items mentioned in emails, we need to stay in lane of governance.

Troy: important to give sherwin space to do operations.

Maher: good to look into hybrid meetings if possible.



In regards to financial policies, all expenses require dual signatory.

Board expenses for Pride Meetings (mileage, meals) can be sent to Sherwin, Amit, Osmel.

Travel: staff makes a decision on this. Travel has to be connected to Pride business.

Maher: Can we have a policy on who gets to decide on travel?

Grant: Currently Co-Chairs have first right of refusal, but have always taken a balanced approach to ensure other Directors can represent Pride. Can continue this conversation.


Committee Refresh/Review Terms of Reference

  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee 
  • Membership Review Committee (New) 

Committees – no decisions here.

Board Committees have fallen through the wayside over the last little while. There are four committees: 1) Advocacy, Equity and Human Rights, 2) Finance, 3) Governance and Audit, 4) Grants and Sponsorship.

leZlie:  depending on the size of grant, it can take 3 to 6 hrs to review a grant. With new Officer role, leZlie stepping down from Grant committee

Sign ups for Committees. Board Members should sign up for a minimum of one committee and a  maximum of two committees.

Once committee members are confirmed, then you set up meetings, terms of reference, select a Chair (should have only one Chair).

New committee: Membership Policy. 

Can look into creating an Executive Committee: instead of Co-Chairs. Just the officers – and perhaps an additional Member at large.

Osme: Exec committee can meet with Sherwin, then bring those conversations with the board.

Can look into potential standing Officer Role: Director of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI)

Samantha: potential conversation on Board titles.

Board Co-Chairs – leZlie and Grant will be doing one on ones with Board Members.

Maher: Board Director of EDI can potentially be a Mediator.


By-Law Review and Policy Development/Review (FYI)

  • Artist Performance Policy (Board and Staff)
  • Board Agreement
  • Code of Conduct
  • Membership Policy (Refresh Application Process)
  • Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy
  • Workplace Violence, Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy

Need to refresh all of these policies and how we manage complaints.

Discussion on Artist Performance Policy.Need clear accountability and ethics

Moka: importance of need to help the community.

Osmel: If you are on Board, you should focus on governance. Standard policy for all organizations.

Nirmalan: important to recognize we are limited by legislation.

Maher: can artists do pro bono performances?

Sherwin: there are non- payment benefits of performing at Pride that would need to be considered. 

Maher: artists should be considered same as organizations we have partnerships with, 

Samantha: there is clear legislation on this. Can we look into more advisory committees (like artists, performers, this is needed.) Need a policy on this.

Moka: can we look into working with artists/committees into lobbying the government to make legislative changes.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In-Camera Minutes
  • ED Performance Review and Recommendations 
ChairDid not take place
Adjournment Board Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Troy Dunn
  • Seconder: Moka Dawkins
DateTuesday, May 16, 2023 
Time6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online

Board: Samantha Fraser, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, D!XON,  Moka Dawkins, Courage,  Yuri Hernandez, Maher Sinno, Troy Dunn

Staff: Sherwin Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

Other: Jennifer Hanna (Whiteboard Consulting)

RegretsMaher Sinno
ASL InterpretationRich Manilla, Annette Sandy
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – May 16, 2023

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Yuri Hernandez

Seconder: Samantha Fraser

Land AcknowledgementCo-Chair, leZlie lee kam delivered Land Acknowledgement. Call to action: volunteer your time and/or spend money to support Two-Spirit People of the First Nations and Indigiqueer. It’s important to put words into action.Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • March 21, 2023 
  • April 22, 2023 
  • April 8-11, 2023 (online email decision)

Any substantive minutes to be captured this way over email; other decisions captured in the Board Decision Tracker.

Motion: To approve the March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes, the April 22 2023 Meeting Minutes and April 8-11, 2023 Meeting Minutes all at same time (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder: Osmel Maines

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Meeting Chair Grant Gonzales requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker 

Meeting Chair Grant Gonzales

For information. Requires an update, after which the Board will be asked to ratify. 

Office relocation and Sponsorship Confidentiality Policy were decisions recently included in the Board Decision Tracker

Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsChair Grant Gonzales spoke on document for referenceDiscussed

Standing Item: Executive Director Report

  • Board: Pride Engagement 

Executive Director, Sherwin Modeste

Key items: Youth Conference this week, Human Rights conference later, Community Connects May-June. Please take the time to sign up on the Board Engagement document.

Team is also working on visas for International Grand Marshall and other guests.

Programming – social media is buzzing with what we are doing; speaks to what the Programming team and what the Marketing team are doing.

Volunteer Department- there is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Across the board (at other organizations) volunteer numbers are low.

Education program: this is a commitment specific to sponsors (not the general public).

If there are any Festival questions; please add them to the ‘Staff Festival Presentation for Board Questions 2023’ document.

leZlie:  thank you Sherwin and the team for getting this done while you are away. 

Moka: question on security guards at the Festival and what training they are receiving from us.

Sherwin: working with the team on this. We met with supervisors of each security company we are working with. It is not possible to meet with each guard at the Festival as there are over 400 of them and some are scheduled to work the Festival the night before. Blocko stage – we are splitting the security. Most of the security companies we work with – their guards have naloxone training and carry the kits with them.

Nirmalan on grants: when we receive a decline on a grant we applied for, do we know why? For example if it is a case of too many applicants and not enough funds – is this a timing thing (first come, first served based on application). What is their criteria?

Sherwin: when we get declined for a grant, we try to meet with the granting officer to find out why we were declined. 

Grant: Pride Guide looks amazing – edits sent over. Really appreciative of the effort. Board Members, please RSVP instructions to support internal processes. Please do not RSVP via email; we will not be able to accommodate. 

Grant: Community Connects and Conferences – how are they being marketed? 

Sherwin: MLSE and TDSB  have been helpful in marketing Youth Conference. Human Rights Conference is sponsored by Air Canada in partnership with OFL and Dignity Initiative. Unions are supportive in spreading the word.

Community Connects – a lot of community and the organizations we are working with, along with social media, are being used to spread the word. This year Pride giveaways are being put together by Amazon.

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

Treasurer, Osmel Maynes

Met with Amit, Sherwin, Bobby to discuss- working with the team has been great. 

Started approving Plooto payments (our internal software). Finance pieces seem copesthetic

Waiting to receive grants (first parts have been received, waiting for rest in June).

Monies also coming in from StreetFair and Parade. Most monies coming in June

We have been following all Financial Policies.

Cash flow documents for (May,June,July) provided in the Board report are new documents for the Board to review.


Board Administration

  • Membership Approvals
  • Scheduling Monthly Meetings

Chair, Grant Gonzales

Membership Approvals: to be approved by email.

Monthly Board Meetings: no consistency for a new monthly date, it looks like the Board will continue to meet on every third Tuesday of the month. 


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • Approval of Minutes
  • February 3, 2023 (Amendment) 
  • March 21, 2023
  • April 5-11, 2023
  • ED Performance Review and Recommendations 

Chair, Grant Gonzales

In-camera notes taken by Secretary Yuri Hernadez

Motion: to move in camera (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder: Moka Dawkins

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Strategic Planning Session

Facilitator Jennifer Hanna from Whiteboard Consulting.

Co-Chair leZlie lee kam is Chairing the next portion of the meeting.

Board SWOT analysis compilation reviewed.

Working draft of the strategic plan reviewed using miro board. Focus on understanding what is in the document and what it means.

Consensus/approval of the plan is the responsibility of the Board. 

Strategic pillar is defined as statement of directions of what Pride Toronto wants to focus on in big bucket ways. While Strategic goals are outcomes (ie. what is going to happen to make the directions happen. They are still pretty broad. 1-4 Strategic goals under each Strategic pillar.

Review of Strategic pillars. Board Members given time to review each and request for clarification from the Board Steering Committee. Important to understand what each pillar is. We don’t want 6 goals under each pillars (6 in total) because we need to keep it concise so that it is manageable.

Strategic plan: will be for 3 years.

Second part: Board Members think about goals under the pillar and  to identify new goals/broad outcomes or feedback about the goals.

Need to work on the FAQ.

We are fairly on track. Going to look at further times. Will go to staff to work on this more, then Board for approvals. 


Other Business 

  • Advocacy Opportunities

Co- Chair, leZlie passed the floor to Nirmalan for more information on advocacy.

Nirmalan: wanting to create a tracker of all of the advocacy pieces happening: what’s going on in Canada that we have the opportunity to comment on; ie. providing letters of support. Board advocacy committee could probably meet with councillors and other elected officials. 

leZlie and Samantha  want to join the advocacy  Committee 

Nirmalan: Pressing item: Pride Toronto to formerly supporting EGALE about Fox News . Public consultation.

Yuri: can we work on this asap?

D!XON: City reached out to connect leZlie for the community advisory committee for the redesign of Barbara Hall Park. 

leZlie will do a space audit/walk through with the City Committee. leZlie has passed them on to Nicole and the Rainbow Seniors  Program at The 519 because it would be helpful to have Rainbow Seniors who  live in the area. D!XON is part of the committee because of how they identify and their connections with queer, Black Youth.

Grant: committees; we’ll get that going after the Festival.

Please look at key events and sign up.

leZlie and Grant have emailed the entire Board for one-on-one meetings. Please respond whether or not you can make it. 

Samantha: June 9th Jays game?

Sherwin: yes, we are going to be going. leZlie is going to throw the first pitch. 

Carry flag: Samantha (want to carry flag, but has a ticket), Yuri, D!XON, Moka. There will be a morning rehearsal with mandatory attendance, and then meet again in the afternoon for the game.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Chair lezlie lee kam

please sign up to events and please RSVP. Please read the emails carefully. Co-Chairs look forward to meeting one on one with Board Members.

Thank you Minute Takers, ASL Interpreters, and Sherwin for being here.

AdjournmentBoard Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Grant Gonzales
  • Seconder: Osmel Maynes
DateTuesday, June 6, 2023 
Time7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online

Board: Samantha Fraser, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, D!XON,  Moka Dawkins, Courage,  Yuri Hernandez, Maher Sinno, Troy Dunn

Staff: Sherwin Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

ASL InterpretationVanessa Bailey, Cindy Muskat


Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – June 6, 2023


Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Moka Dawkins 

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Land AcknowledgementCo-Chair, leZlie lee kam delivered Land Acknowledgement.Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • May 16, 2023 

Motion: To approve the May 16, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Yuri Hernandez

Seconder: Moka Dawkins

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Meeting Chair Grant Gonzales requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker 

Meeting Chair Grant Gonzales

For information. Requires an update, after which the Board will be asked to ratify. 


Two decisions made by the email:

  • Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) email for Egale Canada
  • Statement the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) flag
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

Chair Grant Gonzales spoke on document for reference.


Will dive into specific expectations during Board Director Expectations during festival portion of the meeting.


Standing Item: Executive Director Report

  • Board: Pride Engagement 

Executive Director, Sherwin Modeste

Operations team: everything on par. Working on logistics with Pride Run as well.


Dyke and Trans Rally – both will be ending at Garden Stage, which is new this year.


7 Summer Student Positions have been hired. This year they will only be working up to 8 hours during Festival Weekend.


Canadian Heritage grant approved.


Community Engagement – events ongoing as outlined.

List of confirmed sponsors provided to the Board. 


Thank you to the Board for attending our first signature event in May (Programming launch).


Community Connect at Jane and Finch super successful.


Announcement from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for funding for key issues facing 2SLGBTQI+ communities.


leZlie: Community Connect event at Jane and Finch was great.

Some Board Members and Sherwin have just attended the  fireside chat and welcome reception for Jessica Stern, the United States Special Envoy to advance the human rights of LGBTQI+ Persons and Frank Mugisha, Executive Director, Sexual Minorities Uganda. Event was in partnership with Dignity Network Canada. Moka provided introductory remarks on behalf of the Board..


Tomorrow Sherwin will be speaking to City Councillors of Kitchener.


Grant: attended Etobicoke Community Connect and it was great to see and support.


Nirmalan: Shoutout to team for support of the recent 2-Spirit PowWow with 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations, as well  Community Connect Scarborough.

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

Treasurer, Osmel Maynes


Receiving funds from StreetFair. We are moving in a great way. We are continuing to pay artists on time.


Courage: What is the plan for government grants that were recently announced?

– Osmel: At this point it is just an announcement. We will probably receive it later on. It is for security for the Festival.


Courage: Are we planning on any last minute hiring of deaf artists?

– Sherwin: we put out a call out for deaf/Deaf artists but we only received one response. A lot of the run of shows for Festival Weekend stages have been finalized; but we will do our best. Let us know if there are any suggestions here.


Sherwin: We are planning on a session during Festival Weekend to share best practices with other Pride organizations on safety. Toby from Capital Pride in Ottawa will be supporting. 


Board Administration

  • Membership Approvals
  • Scheduling Monthly Meetings

Chair, Grant Gonzales


Membership Approvals:  Recommending moving all Membership approvals to July.


Monthly Board Meetings: we are having some trouble finding a common alternate date for the monthly Board Meetings. Please update the ‘Board of Directors Monthly Meetings – Meeting Selection_2023’ Google Sheet


Festival Update

  • Board Expectations during the Pride Festival
  • Calendar of Events 
  • Board Engagement Requests
  • Signature Events/Complimentary Tickets

Chair, Grant Gonzales


Calendar of Events: thank you for filling out the Board Engagement Requests document. Please continue to fill out as the document gets updated.


Second document is for signature events and complimentary tickets- please also fill this out. 


Review Board Expectations during the Pride Festival. If VIP spaces full, please contact Sherwin and not other staff.



Review of Board Expectations during the Festival Weekend. Please sign up for events. You are representing Pride Toronto.

Interact with kindness. Opportunity to connect with all stakeholders..


leZlie: Grant and I worked on this Board Expectations document. Do you all have any feedback or anything you would like to add?


Samantha: On Parade Day Sunday, are we all walking in it together like last year?

Grant: Yes, this is where we all should be in attendance. We will be meeting in the Honoured Positions lounge in advance.


Troy: for the Expectations document,  if Board Members do not meet the requirements, are there any repercussions?


Grant: not at the moment, but something to look into.


Sherwin: email Nipuni if you have plus ones for the Parade. Board will have one golf cart.


D!XON: importance of heels, hair, makeup for trans women, in terms of accessibility.


Maher: Board Expectations document is very important. We should add respecting each other as Board Members in as well. In terms of violations against this document, instead of repercussions we should approach more from a harm reduction lens as a way to discipline and reprimand.


Grant: yes, that would be great way. We could look further into this.


*Board decided not to go into an in-camera session*


Courage: How many interpreters have been book for Pride events on Festival Weekend on June 23rd, 24th, and 25th? Is there a map showing where interpretation will be located?

Sherwin: we are going to do a sign language blog so people are able to see what time and where ASL will be. Welcome Centres will also have this information available for people over the Festival Weekend.


Courage: For June 25, you have booked an interpreter. Please cancel; I can’t attend on Parade Day unfortunately.

Sherwin: We have ASL interpretation for headliners – this is new for us.

Courage: lots of feedback on ASL at the Festival; want to meet offline later.


Sherwin: in 2022, a few Board Members went to Montreal Pride to participate in the Parade. This year we are looking at having Board Members who will go to Montreal for the Parade, to make connections with their team and make observations on how we can make improvements at our own Parade. This will include via rail ticket, small per diem and accommodation. 

Courage, Moka, D!XON, Osmel, Maher have expressed interest in attending


Sherwin: no tabling this year. We will observe on Saturday, and join their parade as a team on Sunday.


Samantha: will go on my own and join the Board if the five spots get full.

Grant and Yuri are potentially going.


Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: May 16, 2023 (deferred to July)
In Camera session did not take placeNot applicable
Other Business Co-Chair: Grant GonzalesDiscussed
Next Meeting: Next Meeting: July 18, 2023Co-Chair: Grant Gonzales mentionedDiscussed

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Moka Dawkins 
  • Seconder: leZlie lee kam
DateTuesday, July 18, 2023 
Time6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online

Board: Samantha Fraser, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, D!XON,  Courage, Troy Dunn, Maher Sinno

Staff: Kojo (formerly known as Sherwin) Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

RegretsYuri Hernandez
ASL InterpretationJennifer Best, Christie Reaume
Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – July 18, 2023


Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair leZlie lee kam and Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Land AcknowledgementCo-Chair, leZlie lee kam delivered Land Acknowledgement.Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – June 6, 2023 #4

Motion: To approve the June 6, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Grant Gonzales

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Meeting Chair leZlie lee kam requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker Meeting Chairs leZlie lee kam and Grant Gonzales advised on document for reference.Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsMeeting Chairs leZlie lee kam and Grant Gonzales advised on document for reference.Discussed

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

  • 2023-24 Budget

Treasurer: Osmel Maynes

Staff: Amit Kumar, Finance Manager


Nirmalan had asked questions that were answered prior to the meeting.


Samantha: this is my fourth budget and Festival; budget looks good to me.


Budget is a living document, can always revisit


Kojo: 6 month commitment from Kojo to ensure we are on target. Ensure that we will not be going into the red. 

We might adjust on insurance. Working with the team, to get a new quote.

Not opposed to selling merch; there are a lot of logistics. We are looking at some options.


Maher: distribution of artist funds. Yalla Bara funds – we didn’t budget enough for their stage vs. other stages.

Osmel: we can definitely have this conversation – it is more operational.

Kojo: it may appear this line budget has decreased; however what has decreased is contingency (cushion funds). We currently do not have the resources for large contingencies. Year after year, stages are saying they do not have enough funds, however artists and infrastructure are 50% of budget. Meeting scheduled with 2023 Yalla Barra Curator. 


Grant: some organizations do not have contingency. 

Kojo: artists, curators, sponsors, community groups and Board will have opportunity to debrief after the Festival.


D!XON: Where is the cost of stages?

Amit: year-long infrastructure vs festival infrastructure.


Reimbursements: Osmel has sent through form for Board reimbursement


leZlie: Thanks to Osmel, Amit, Kojo and Executive team.


Amit left meeting.

Motion (Osmel): To accept the 2023/2024 budget (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Abstentions: None

Opposed: None

Motion: To assign Finance and Committee for Contingency Plan for Winter 2024 (Approved).

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Samantha Fraser

Board Administration

  • Board Calendar 
  • Scheduling Monthly Meetings

Chair, Grant Gonzales


Grant has prepared a high level Board Calendar for what is in store for the Board throughout the year, other than events and meetings, so the Board does not miss out on key deliverables throughout the year. Something new is the specific review on the bylaws. 


Board Meeting Monthly Schedule: attempted to find a different common time for Board Members to meet, but based on availability the Board will probably have to default back to Tuesdays on third week of every Month. 


Kojo: looking at Board/staff retreat. This year will be a little bit longer, so we can have work plans that works with the Strategic Plan. It will likely be sometime in September.


Maher: if Board Members want to run again for another term, we cannot join the recruitment committee. However if we don’t run again then we can join the recruitment committee. Is that correct?

Grant: Yes that is correct, and only applies to Board Members whose terms are ending this year.


Maher: Second question for the Board. I am starting support committees work, so I may not be able to join on Tuesdays. I want to contribute to the Board and so will need additional support to keep up to date.

Grant: yes, that works. If you have questions, please ask in advance. Co-Chairs will support. Minutes and agenda will be available for everyone.


Samantha: Do we have estimated dates for September as it’s really busy that month. Location?

Sherwin: not yet. Location: working on it; will be different than last year.


Courage: for the retreat – will it be a weekend or week?

Kojo: yes, we’ll have the Board joining for Friday, Saturday, Sunday (and Board Meeting).


Courage: Can I also join the recruitment committee to recruit more deaf and BIPOC individuals to the Board?

Grant: Not a conflict to join; that will be a September discussion.

Sherwin: want to acknowledge that we have really great diversity right now on the Board, almost all of the Board is BIPOC.


Committee Assignments

  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee
  • Executive Committee (New) 
  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Governance and Policy Committee
  • Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee 

Chair, Grant Gonzales


Will resend email to Board Members about joining committees. Please join at least 1 or up to 2 committees. Please respond to the email  by end of month. We should have no more than 5 Board Members per committee.


First item of business for each committee is to

refresh scope of work and roles, and responsibilities. Anything that is decided on in the committee is subject to approval by the Board. 


Policy Committee: Need to standardize Terms of Reference (right now they are all different).


As a Board, we need to assign ourselves.


Nirmalan: Can you please explain what the Executive Committee is?

Grant: Need to develop Terms of Reference because it is a new committee. This committee will be made of the Board Officers. It is mostly an advisory to the Executive Director, rather than a decision making committee.


Board Committee initial sign ups:

leZlie: Advocacy committee

Samantha: Advocacy committee, Grants and sponsorships

D!XON: Grants and sponsorship

Osmel: Policy and governance committee

Maher: Advocacy or governance and policy


Samantha: should we have a community committee that is more grassroots to review grievances from communities/artists.

D!XON: agreed on this

Grant: This would be too operational. Board Members won’t participate in advisory groups – this was determined and agreed to by the Board a few years ago.

Sam: How does the Board share  ideas?

Grant: Strategic planning is the best way for Board Members to provide expertise/ideas on the direction of the organization


Grant: email will go out for the  August Board meeting. August-September: will be to work on scope of policy.


Conflict: leZlie only Rainbow Senior so leZlie is on the seniors advisory committee. 


D!XON: there is an equity piece if only some members can advocate for their communities.


Maher: there should be more intersection now. It is worth re-opening up the conversation about Board Members on advisory groups. What can be the most beneficial for the organization.


Grant: Yes, but it is good to focus on Board Committees first, then open up conversation to advisory groups, since Board committees have not been up and running for the past little while.


leZlie: do we have a Membership Committee?

Would like to revisit this next. 


Troy: we should have a facilitated conversation on the role of the Board at some point so that we have an aligned vision and can get out nuanced conversations.


Samantha: If Board members could be seen as overtaking advisory groups, can we implement rules to manage this. This is just a rhetorical question to think about for now.

Membership Approvals

Chair, Grant Gonzales


Include Membership application (Cambell) that we were initially unsure was a legitimate application. Staff have confirmed that it is a legitimate application.

Motion: To approve Membership Applications  (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder:  Troy Dunn

Strategic Planning

Kojo: the strategic plan is almost completed. Staff have recommended some minor changes/final edits for the Board to consider.


Nipuni went through the recommendations that staff had suggested.


Samantha: Accountability is there in the first pillar already. Thank you to staff for these recommendations.


leZlie: I really like realigning pillars. Thank you to the staff team, great work.


Grant: Vision should be “regardless of”. Agreed that first pillar is clunky, responsible does equal accountability. Disagree and believes it  should be Human Resources instead of singular. Disagree should be removing: biphobia, transphobia, an. Should leave here. Disagree that ‘Support the development and distribution’ should be first 


Kojo: We will need to revisit and discuss.


Nirmalan: For the vision, “feel” is still wishy washy. We should use “are” instead. Is it 2-Spirit – can we confirm? Perhaps Festival Programming should be first.


Staff to reach out to to 2 Spirited People of the 1st Nations to confirm correct spelling. 


Troy: Agreed it should be ‘human resources’ 


“Take an intersectional approach” = all agreed.  


Going to keep “Support the development and distribution the development” as the third point and not move it up.


Pillar: Leading and Supporting Intersectional 2SLGBTQTI+ Advocacy. And then first bullet will stay the same.


Nirmalan: What is rollout plan?


Kojo: We are planning stakeholder reception at the office. Having this  with the economic impact report would speak volumes to the work we have done and are planning to do.

Motion: To approve the Strategic Plan (Approved). 

Mover: Samantha Fraser

Seconder:  leZlie lee kam

Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: May 16, 2023 (deferred to July)
  • In Camera Minutes: June 19, 2023 
Board Members and Executive Director

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

  • Mover: Samantha Fraser
  • Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar


Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Other Business 

Co-Chair: Grant Gonzales


Festival Issues

Board Directors pointed out that there have been some social media posts with complaints about Festival issues. They are encouraged to share these directly with the Executive Director for staff awareness.


129 Peter Street

Working closely with BlackCAP, Pride Toronto has been supporting the refugees living outside 129 Peter Street by delivering hot meals, with more planned in the coming weeks. We have also provided them with Subway and Tim Hortons gift cards, and TTC fares.


Disability Pride Month

Concerns were shared about the lack of acknowledgement. Staff confirmed that a social media post is planned to acknowledge Disability Pride Month.


If Board Directors wish to share information about programming and events, they are encouraged to do so in advance, recognizing that most staff are not working during the first two weeks of July. They are advised to also share information with the Co-Chairs, who can help prompt staff to post information.


Montreal Pride

Staff will follow-up with Board Directors who are attending with travel and accommodation information. Board Directors are expected to represent Pride Toronto during the parade, and in other programming throughout the weekend.

Next Meeting: Next Meeting: August 15, 2023Co-Chair: Grant Gonzales mentionedDiscussed
AdjournmentBoard Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Samantha Fraser 
  • Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
DateTuesday, August 15, 2023 
Time6:30 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online

Board: Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, D!XON, Maher Sinno, Samantha Fraser

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana

RegretsYuri Hernandez, Courage, Troy Dunn 
ASL InterpretationN/A


Agenda Item Summary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – August 15, 2023

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair leZlie lee kam and Grant Gonzales

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Osmel Maynes

Land Acknowledgement

Co-Chair, leZlie lee kam delivered Land Acknowledgement.

Call to action: important that we continue to work in solidarity with Black and Indigenous folks on Human Rights

Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

  • Board Meeting Minutes – July 18, 2023 #5

Motion: To approve the July 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Grant Gonzales

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

Meeting Chair leZlie lee kam requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker 

Meeting Chairs leZlie lee kam advised on document for reference.

Thank you to Grant for making sure that all of our decisions are being tracked.

Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsMeeting Chair leZlie lee kam advised on document for reference.Discussed

Standing Item: ED Report 

  • Staff/Board Retreat 

Kojo Modeste

leZlie: thank you for the report, I learned a lot from it.

Nirmalan: National Day of Truth and Reconciliation is September 30th. Do we have anything planned?

Kojo: Yes and this is a priority. We have heard from the Indigenous community that it is important to give back to the community on this day. We will be planning a Community Feast with 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations.

Nirmalan: To revisit our strategic plan: Living our Truth and Reconciliation should be first bullet point (moved).

What are our plans to connect with the City?

Kojo: We are currently working on our economic impact report and hoping to share with Marci Ien (Ottawa), Krystyn Wong Tam (Queens park), Chris Moise (Council). 

Nirmalan: This is a great opportunity to work with the City on specific pieces, such as the fines over Festival Weekend.

leZlie had questions about the report and received answers in advance.

Kojo: The staff/board retreat this year will be at the office, during the week after Thanksgiving, from Tuesday, Oct 10th to Friday, Oct 14th. The Board will join staff on Thursday and Friday evening. We will  do a joint team building exercise on Saturday. We will send the dates and calendar tomorrow.

Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

Treasurer, Osmel Maynes

Recap: we passed the budget for this year at our last Board Meeting. We are approving a few outstanding expenses for people. We are wrapping up remaining artist and supplier payments. We have been receiving our grants.

Kojo: we are about 85% ready for our audit, which starts mid September. The goal is to wrap up the audit by the first week of November. Auditors are happy even with the preliminary changes we have made to implement their recommendations.


Committee Assignments / Terms of Reference Template

  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee (D!XON, Samantha, leZlie, Maher)
  • Executive Committee (Grant, leZlie, Osmel, Yuri)
  • Finance and Audit Committee (Osmel, Nirmalan)
  • Membership Committee (Samantha)
  • Governance and Policy Committee (Troy, Grant, Yuri, Maher, Nirmalan)
  • Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee (Troy, Samantha, Osmel)

Grant Gonzales

Each Board committee needs to update and review their committees’ Terms of Reference (TOR) for consistency. Template has been sent to the Board so all the TORs look the same.

Next steps: each committee needs to figure out a time to meet, their mandate and terms of reference. Committees will choose their own Chair, create a work plan and decide what items to focus on and address. Hopefully, each committee  will have this ready to be approved at next month’s Board Meeting.

Maher: Can we designate a specific person for each committee to take the lead on setting up the initial meeting.

Grant: Yes

Osmel can support Governance if needed.

Nirmalan can move from Governance to Grants. leZlie will join Membership. D!XON will also join Grants and Sponsorship.

Grant: Membership will be a subcommittee of Governance and Policy.

The following reflects the changes to show which Board Member is in which committee. The individuals whose names are in bold will reach out to rest of the committee members to set up a time to meet:

  • Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee (D!XON, Samantha, leZlie, Maher)
  • Executive Committee (Grant, leZlie, Osmel, Yuri)
  • Finance and Audit Committee (Osmel, Nirmalan)
  • Governance and Policy Committee (Troy, Grant, Yuri, Maher)
    • Membership Committee (Samantha, leZlie)
  • Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee (Troy, Samantha, Osmel, Nirmalan, D!XON)
Membership Approvals

Meeting Chair, leZlie lee kam

Checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals.

Motion: To approve Membership Applications  (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder:  Grant Gonzales

Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: July 18, 2023
  • ED Performance Review  
Board Members and Executive Director

Motion: To move in camera (Approved).

  • Mover:  Osmel Maynes
  • Seconder:  Maher Sinno

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Other Business / Reminders

  • Sponsorship Prospects
  • Volunteer Appreciation Party

Co-Chair: leZlie (ahead of in camera session)

Kojo: please send potential sponsors our way to add to our prospect list for this year. Also, if you have any headliner suggestions/ideas, please advise. We have to take into account certain costs, but all ideas are welcome

leZlie: what do we need to consider in terms of criteria?

Kojo: any companies that fit into our mission, vision or values. Sponsors who are willing to donate both in-kind and monetary amounts are needed. Board Members do not need to do any preliminary screening when recommending; the staff team will oversee this process.

Reminder: the Volunteer Appreciation Party is tomorrow at 6:00 pm at the Labatt offices. The theme is slumber party. It is really important if you can come down. Our  volunteers work incredibly hard and we want to make them feel appreciated.

Next Meeting: Next Meeting: September 19, 2023Co-Chair: Grant Gonzales mentionedDiscussed
AdjournmentBoard Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

  • Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar 
  • Seconder: Osmel Maynes
DateTuesday, September 19, 2023
Time6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online
AttendanceBoard: Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, D!XON, Maher
Sinno, Samantha Fraser, Yuri Hernandez, Courage,
Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana
RegretsTroy Dunn
ASL InterpretationAlex Skrzyniak , Christie Reaume
Agenda ItemSummary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business :

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair lezlie lee kam.

Motion: To approve the agenda
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Land AcknowledgementBoard Director, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
delivered land acknowledgment.
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes :

  • Board Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2023 #8
Motion: To approve the August
15, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Samantha Fraser
Declaration of Conflict of

Meeting Chair leZlie lee kam requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

No conflicts were declared.

Board Decision Tracker

Meeting Chair leZlie lee kam advised on document for reference.

Thank you to Grant for making sure that all of
our decisions are being tracked.

Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsMeeting Chair leZlie lee kam advised on document for reference.Discussed

Standing Item: ED Report

  • Staff/Board Retreat

Kojo Modeste

Nirmalan had some questions: Status of the
Trillium grant?
Kojo: We have applied a few times but it has
not been successful. So the focus now is
Festival related grants.

Nirmalan: We have previously received the
cash flow document – is it possible to get again
on a quarterly basis?

Kojo: Yes, we can provide the cash flow
document quarterly.

Nirmalan: Economic impact report looks
amazing. Congratulations! Really impressive to
see that report.

Kojo: Thinking about a press release on the
economic impact report. The economic report
is done by third party, reputable organization.

Design Plan


Kojo: Puncture is the design firm that supported last year. They are supporting us again, and we are grateful to have them back.

leZlie: Just a reminder ASL interpretation. Gentle reminder for folks to speak clearly, and one person at a time.

Introductions: Barsin (he/him), Laura (she/her), Sabrina (she/her) and Maham (she/her)

Goal about this session: gather information and feedback about this year’s theme to help
fill in the messaging and collect ideas.

Look at this past year’s theme. What did you like about last year’s theme and what did you not like?

Courage: I like this theme.

Yuri: very applicable to all sorts of people. Samantha: I really like this theme. Perhaps we look into adding this into our strategic plan. Nirmalan: great narrative – helped us have actionable items

Maher: international aspect – great to see that reflected in the Festival. Definitely should be pushed throughout the year. We could amplify it more in our socials

What are some important messages or topics to capture next year? Samantha: Global aspect. Education and unity – remind people that we are everywhere. The message from last year still needs to be a part of messaging

Yuri: Things can feel like it’s going backwards, so we need to highlight we are still here. leZlie: We are human.

Nirmalan: Can refer to the tricky political landscape.

D!XON: Important to include queer families
and youth.

Courage: Need to see more LGBTQ diversity with Deaf/Disabled artists being seen onstage. I want to see that be more mainstream.. Maher: Just flagging that “We’re not going anywhere” and “We remain” are themes I’ve seen this past Prides across nonprofits, so we need to be careful not to duplicate.

What does Bold, Brilliant, Beautiful mean to

Samantha: Initially it doesn’t feel like it encapsulates everyone. Need to show how these words can be for everyone. D!XON: brilliant can be to showcase entrepreneurs, leaders etc in the community. Beautiful can be displayed through scars, inner beauty, trans expression and more.

Last question: How would we measure a successful theme statement? This helps to create a checklist for the theme statement. Samantha: apply to multiple people in multiple scenarios

Yuri: change, progression, movement Maher: measurable. Link events to that theme. So that theme doesn’t disappear; even before the Festival. Engage different communities.

Barsin: We have talked to the staff team as well. We appreciate your time and this information is helpful. We will compile insights and present the themed statement to the marketing team, get feedback and present the final presentation of insights and theme statement. Questions?

Kojo: The goal is that we will have the first draft on Thursday or Friday after staff retreat, so we can provide feedback to the Puncture theme.

D!XON: In order to get the theme across, we need to put more care into our graphic design and social media.

Kojo: Will share that with our social media team..

Barsin: Thank you all.
Laura: Thank you and form will be going out
for last thoughts and ideas.

Puncture team logs off meeting.

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

Treasurer, Osmel Maynes 

Short and long versions of finance reports were sent to the Board. Audit has begun and auditors are happy with what they are seeing. The Finance committee is still meeting every two weeks.

Maher question on Marketing on the finance reports. What does Marketing team mean? Kojo: Pride Toronto’s Marketing team is under “Salary”. Other Marketing team costs include, economic impact report and advertising.

Membership Approvals

Meeting Chair, leZlie lee kam

Checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals.

To be reviewed over email
Break held between 7:10pm-7:17pm.


Committee Updates   

  • Governance and
    Policy Committee –
    Sept. 5

Grant Gonzales
Report was provided. Working on policies:
Workplace policy and anti discrimination policy are two examples.
Few roles open for Board Recruitment. 1 year term open. Lots of work to be done. More updates on this later.
Maher: Are the committees open to community members?
Grant: need to focus on these committees internally to develop and grow this out more. what this committee looks like
Kojo: these committees are subcommittees of the Board. We need to iron out more details of the committees internally.
Maher: Point of information. If we want to update a committees’ Terms of Reference (ToR), do we need to approve it by the rest of the Board?
Grant: Yes 
prioritizing updating the ToR so they are more specific, less confusing.
Maher shared their screen to show the Advocacy, Equity and Human Rights
committees’ ToR. Point of conversation, for future meetings who will be responsible for communications?
Kojo: Director of Communications would be responsible/ the support person.
Need to budget not just for Board Member meals, but others who may attend. Advocacy committee is the only committee with this budget line.
Kojo: Board in general provides feedback on Festival. The Advocacy committee can provide on Human rights conference.
Maher: Within the scope of this committee, we would have a focused lens on accessibility, equity and human rights.
Yuri: There is an Accessibility Coordinator that will be staff, so we need to be careful that we are not blurring the lines.
Grant: Re. Committee member removal. As a general principle, committees make recommendations to the full Board and then the Board approves/does not approve recommendations. Please use that as your lens to inform what the committee is doing, including committee member removal. Need
to have consistency across the board. Roles and responsibilities: remember we are a Governance Board – the Executive Director report informs us what the operations are of the organization. Let’s keep that governance lens for our committee work, ie. what should we be doing long term as an organization to
have the most success and impact.
Maher: We need to look at ongoing issues as well. Advocacy committee will look at language so that it is governance. Finance Committee update was part of the treasurer’s report.
Osmel: What about the Membership Committee?
leZlie: That is a subcommittee of the Governance and Policy Committee.
Kojo: I don’t believe the Fund Development committee has met yet. We will need a report from that committee at the next meeting.


Board Recruitment and

Osmel: The Co-Chairs, Osmel and Troy will meet to discuss Board Recruitment and to look at who we need on the Board. As Grant stated, various positions are available. I will be contacting folks to see if they want to continue on the Board. Troy is away and I have been busy, but we are hoping to send out the call out in November.
leZlie: it would be helpful to send us the different positions and Board Director terms that are open..
Osmel: Yes, that information will be sent out.
Samantha: This will be my last board meeting. various reasons. I have had a conversation with the Co-Chairs on this. I am bringing back my conference called Playground (gender , wellness, sexuality, conference). I don’t have the capacity anymore to be on the Board and plan the conference. I really want to do well with planning the the conference, so it feels like a good time to resign. I’m happy to be in touch and as a resource
Grant on behalf of the Board: want to thank you. You have stuck by the team through many tumultuous times. We will miss you but we will keep in touch.

leZlie: I would like to add that you have contributed so much to bringing Pride Toronto to where it is today.
Samantha: You all will continue to have that support from me.
Yuri: Samantha, you have stayed true to yourself and you always do the right thing. I really appreciate you for that. You have done a lot of meaningful work.
Osmel: Samantha, I didn’t get to know you a lot, but you are someone who definitely provides space for voices to be heard. You have been a pillar. Your advice has been welcome. Thank you.
Samantha: I have always tried to make sure everyone else is heard. I want to say in response to recruitment, when you are looking at the next Board Directors, do try to find people who aren’t solely focused on one agenda. It’s important to have a good mix of people, and more women. Thank you.
Maher: Samantham, we haven’t always seen eye to eye but you always have a soft way of calming people down. You are kind, have fun energy and always include everyone.
D!XON: Samantha, I’m going to miss you a whole bunch; you have been the glue to this board. You have navigated so many different issues, challenges, and I enjoy your energy and beautiful heart. Thank you for everything.
Sam: I consider you my colleagues. It was a hard decision. Thank you again.


  • Other Business/Reminders

    Response to Trans

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 


Response to Trans attacks: I’ve sent an email to the Board on this. Osmel will be speaking on behalf of Pride Toronto at the upcoming rally.

Kojo: these anti-trans policies are impacting the Global south as well. Our social media team is reposting the rally details to get the information out there.

Nirmalan, Yuri and everyone: thank you for sending things out that may be of interest to our Membership.

Kojo: staff will be handing out nonbinary flags. Please buddy up for safety.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation feast. Dania has sent the calendar invite. We are working with indigenous organizations and the 519 on this. leZlie will this be a rain or shine event? Kojo: yes it is outdoors rain or shine, but we have access to the 519 ballroom if needed.

leZlie: Other business – insurance. Kojo: We are considering changing our brokers. Disadvantages of our current broker: costs are very high (although they are doing a lot of work to get the price down). Advantages of our current brokers: they know our file and portfolio, so a quicker turnaround on delivery. A second broker had reached out to us, and the advantages of them are: they are very knowledgeable with the 2SLGBTQI+ communities, and they are looking at both international and domestic. Disadvantages of the newer broker: we have a heavy lift at the beginning to get them up to speed with our work. Question to the board – what should we go with?

Samantha: go with a new broker, it may require more work but worth it. D!XON: what are the names of the companies? Kojo: these are brokers that will look for an insurance company. D!XON: let’s go new; for fresh insurance. Maher: whoever shares our values. Nirmalan: stick with current; underwriting can take long time and we can do a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new brokers next year. Yuri: stay with current broker for this year, and then look at other options next year.

Kojo: in terms of doing an RFP, this will happen next year (there is not enough time to do one this year).

leZlie: Agree, with lighting fire under current broker and go with existing for this year only. Grant: Alternative opinion is to go with the new broker. How long has the current broker been working with the community for? Kojo: Current brokers have been with Pride Toronto for 9+ years. But they have never marched in the Parade.

Grant: this is an opportunity for change. I don’t feel like we were well served with the current broker.

Kojo: I’m right in the middle with which broker to go with. I will think and then will reach back out. Thank you for all the feedback.

leZlie: There is an exhibition at Buddies in Bad Times called Covid in the House of Old on September 28, 29, and 30. Educational piece on the impact of Covid-19 on seniors in long term care homes. A Rainbow Seniors story is included (Alf Roberts). Share with your networks please.

Other thing: The international day of Older Adults does not mention Rainbow Seniors, so the Rainbow Seniors Network and the 519 does an event every year in October at the 519. October 1st,

Kojo: we’re waiting to hear back on the Santa Claus Parade. We had a meeting at their warehouse and they are looking at what they can offer us. Going to look at accessibility. They have a ticket for viewing stations for seniors/accessibilities. They really want to see the reflection of the 2SLGBTQI+ communities with our contingent in their parade. Thank you all for your patience.

Samantha: One other thing. The Royal Winter
Fair would be great to collaborate with.

Grant: Agreed. This would be a rush for this year as the Royal Winter Fair is just around the corner, but let’s connect on this for next year.


Standing Item: In Camera

  • In Camera Minutes: August 15, 2023
  • ED Performance
    Review Update
Board Members and Executive DirectorMotion: To move in camera (Approved).
Mover: Nirmalan
Seconder: Maher Sinno
Motion: To move out of in camera
session (included in In Camera

Next Meeting: Next Meeting:
October 17, 2023

Co-Chair: Grant Gonzales mentionedDiscussed

Board Members

Motion: To adjourn the meeting
Mover: Samantha Fraser
Seconder: Nirmalan
Date Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Time 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online
Attendance Board: Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Maher Sinno, Yuri Hernandez, Courage, Troy Dunn Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana
Regrets Courage and D!XON
ASL Interpretation N/A
Agenda Item Summary/Notes Motions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: ● Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Meeting Chaired by Co-Chairs Grant Gonzales and leZlie lee kam Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved).  Mover: leZlie lee kam Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Land Acknowledgement Osmel Maynes delivered land acknowledgment. Discussed
Approval of Minutes Approval of Minutes:
  • Board Meeting Minutes – July 18, 2023 #5
Motion: To approve the September 19, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Approved). Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar Seconder: Troy Dunn
Declaration of Conflict of Interest Grant requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability. No conflicts were declared. Discussed
Board Decision Tracker leZlie advised on document for reference. Thank you to Grant for making sure that all of our decisions are being tracked. Board will need to discuss further on creating a tracker for motions. Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and Expectations Grant advised on document for reference. Discussed
Standing Item: ED Report The Executive Director (Kojo Modeste) provided the monthly organizational update and highlighted the meeting with the provincial government around funding and the upcoming Interpride conference. Motion: To amend the agenda to add the Queen’s Park Press Conference to Other Business (Approved).
Standing Item: Treasurer Report The Treasurer (Osmel Maynes) provided the report and noted that Pride Toronto is in good standing with respect to revenue and expenditures. The annual audit is underway and there are no concerns with respect to cash flow.  Discussed
AGM and Board Recruitment Update Annual General Meeting Co-Chair (Grant Gonzales) informed the Board that the working date for the AGM is January 25, 2024, which needs to be approved by the Board. He recommended proceeding with a virtual AGM given that January is in the middle of both flu season and anticipated rise in COVID-19 cases. The Board discussed the possibility of a hybrid AGM, however, concerns were raised with respect to costs. Board Recruitment Pride Board of Directors Selection Committee Co-Chairs (Osmel Maynes and Troy Dunn) are prepared to post the recruitment call-out with a November 13th deadline for applications. They encouraged the Board to share within their network and emphasized that the priority is to recruit women and older persons. Motion: To approve January 25, 2024 as the date for the AGM (Approved). Mover: Maher Sinno Seconder: Troy Dunn Motion: To proceed with a virtual only AGM (Approved). Mover: Osmel Maynes Seconder: leZlie lee kam 5 out of 7 Board Members in favour Motion: To proceed with using GetQuorum as our AGM voting platform (Approved). Mover: Yuri Hernandez Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Membership Approvals Co-Chair Grant checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals. Motion: To approve Membership Applications (Approved). Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar Seconder: Yuri Hernandez 
Committee Updates    Policy Committee Grant has shared Anti-Discrimination Policy with lawyers to get feedback. More to come at the next meeting Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee Maher mentioned committee is still unsure about direction of the committee and will discuss further at the next committee meeting Finance Committee Kojo mentioned that the Finance Committee update was provided during the Treasurer’s report No other committee meetings were held. Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee Meeting note held Nirmalan, Osmel and Troy to meet for Nirmalan to organize a meeting time. Discussed. Action items:
  • Nirmalan to organize a and Sponsorship Review Committee
  • Kojo requested for committees to please advise on when they are meeting so the Senior Leadership team could support.
Other Business / Reminders Press Conference Kojo advised that Kojo, leZlie and Grant will be presenting Pride Toronto’s Economic Impact report at Queen’s Park. Pride Toronto will be hosted by MPP Kristyn Wong-Tam. Kojo will cover the 2023 festival and Economic Impact Report. leZlie will cover fundraising, spike in costs and other finances. Grant will cover challenges and next steps. Each person will have two minutes to speak. Folks can join in the gallery to watch. MPP Wong-Tam will recognize us in the gallery and the Economic Impact Report will be presented to all MPPs. The theme of the press conference will be Protect 2SLGBTQI+ communities and Fund Pride. Recent Events in Israel/Palestine Maher requested an addition to Other Business, to discuss the current development in Palestine/Israel. Board members discussed statements made by various organizations, and recommended further exploring whether and how to participate in the dialogue while listening to marginalized communities. Specific concerns were raised about the auditor’s statement. Action Items:
  • Executive Director to have a discussion with the auditors.
  • Board to further explore potential actions and bring back topic to the November Board meeting.
Standing Item: In Camera Session
  • In Camera Minutes: May 16 / September 19, 2023 ED Performance Review Update
Board Members and Executive Director Motion: To move in camera (Approved). ● Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar ● Seconder: Troy Dunn
Next Meeting: November 21, 2023 Co-Chair: Grant Gonzales mentioned Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). ● Mover: Troy Dunn ● Seconder: Yuri Hernandez
DateTuesday, November 21, 2023
Time6:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
Location Online
AttendanceBoard: Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar, Maher Sinno, Courage, Troy Dunn Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana
RegretsYuri Hernandez and D!XON
ASL InterpretationN/A
Agenda ItemSummary/NotesMotions/Action Items
Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business :

  • Board of Directors Meeting Agenda – November 21, 2023
    Meeting Chaired by Co-Chairs Grant Gonzales.
Motion: To approve the agenda
Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Seconder: Osmel Maynes
Land AcknowledgementGrant Gonzales delivered land acknowledgment.Discussed
Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes :

  • Board Meeting Minutes – October 17, 2023 #8
Motion: To approve the October 17,
2023 Meeting Minutes (Approved).
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Declaration of Conflict of InterestGrant requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.
No conflicts were declared.
Board Decision TrackerGrant advised on document for reference.Discussed
Board Meeting Principles and ExpectationsGrant advised on document for reference.Discussed

Standing Item: ED Report

  • 2024 Festival Update

The Executive Director (Kojo Modeste) provided the monthly organizational update and highlighted the recently held Executive Director Town Hall.

2024 Festival Update

Discussion was held on accessibility, and more deaf and disabled representation at conferences, panels and events.

Standing Item: Treasurer Report

The Treasurer (Osmel Maynes) passed floor to Kojo.

Finance Manager, Amit Kumar joined meeting for this agenda item. Reviewed cash flow document to show projections. Highlighted that a lot of sponsorship comes in April, May, June. Annual audit is almost complete, and should be finalized by end of the month.


Board Meals
Discussion held on Board meal expenses


Action item: Kojo and Amit to look at
Board Meal expenses and policy.


Motion: To approve that until the
policy is reviewed, any expenses for
Board meals that do not occur on the
day of the Board meeting be directed
to the Treasurer, with explanation of the purchase.
Mover: Osmel Maynes
Seconder: Troy Dunn

Board Recruitment Update

Board Recruitment

Osmel provided an update to the Board on Board recruitment, highlighting that candidates are being interviewed. There are diverse identities of individuals and representation who are being interviewed.

Point of clarification about the recruitment process: the Board Recruitment Committee recommends the slate of candidates, then the full Board of Directors approves the slate. Once approved, it goes to the Membership.

Grant and lezlie lee kam, as Board Members who are running for re-election did not participate in this discussion

Annual General Meeting
Co-Chair (Grant Gonzales) informed the Board that the working date for the AGM is January 25, 2024, which needs to be approved by the Board. He recommended proceeding with a virtual AGM given that January is in the middle of both flu season and anticipated rise in COVID-19 cases. The Board discussed the possibility of a hybrid AGM, however, concerns were raised with respect to costs.

Board Recruitment

Pride Board of Directors Selection Committee
Co-Chairs (Osmel Maynes and Troy Dunn) are prepared to post the recruitment call-out with a November 13th deadline for applications. They encouraged the Board to share within their network and emphasized that the priority is to recruit women and older persons.

Membership ApprovalsCo-Chair Grant checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals. Opened floor and there were no concerns or questions.Motion: To approve Membership
Applications (Approved).
Mover: Troy Dunn
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar 

Committee Updates   

  • Community Committees Call-Out (Accessibility, Honoured Positions, International Impact Fund)

Community Committees Call-Out (Accessibility, Honoured Positions, International Impact Fund (IIF))

Kojo advised that the selection committee for IIF, Honoured Positions and International Grand Marshall will be the same committee.


Accessibility Committee

There is a need to separate the Board from Community Committees. Discussion on sunflower community support; to show support to individuals who have invisible or hidden disabilities. Discussion on consent during the Festival and how this is led by harm reduction teams.


Policy Committee

Grant advised that materials have been circulated and there is a need to review policies.


Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee

Maher advised that there will be a new Chair of this committee as Maher
transitions out of the Board, however is here to support as needed.

Finance Committee

Grant advised that this was a part of the Treasurer report


Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee

Nirmalan advised that the first meeting will be held early next year, once the
new Director of Development begins their position with the team.

Action items:

  • Kojo to connect with the staff team to look over the roles and different committees.
  • leZlie to send the Board a report on the sunflower community initiative.
  • Kojo to connect with Operations team to increase signage on consent during Festival.
  • Grant to book next Policy Committee Meeting
Next Meeting: December
Grant led discussion on moving the next Board Meeting to December 18, as the Board/staff Holiday Dinner is on the next scheduled date of December 19. It was agreed that Dec 18 will be a tentative date as some Board Members were unsure of availability and would need to check their schedules.


Action item: Nipuni to send tentative calendar invite to move next Board Meeting to December 18.

Middle East Statement

Board discussion held on whether or not to put out a statement about recent events in Israel/Palestine and any implications. Nirmalan requested a recorded vote about this decision.

Board Members spent time drafting and revising the statement. Discussed the complexity of importance of alignment


Recorded vote:

Motion: to approve putting out a statement with respect to the events in Palestine and Israel (Approved)

Favour: Troy, Maher, leZlie, Osmel,
Opposed: Nirmalan
Did not vote: Courage.

Action item: Statement to be
finalized offline, then circulated to
Board by end of day Wednesday, then
approved by end of day Thursday
and posted on Friday.


Other Business/Reminders


  • Santa Claus Parade
  • Board/Staff Holiday

Grant requested Kojo to please provide updates


Santa Claus Parade

This will be the first time Pride and Caribbean Carnival is part of the Santa Clause Parade. Progressive flags branded with Pride Toronto brand will be printed and handed out during the Parade.

Board/Staff Holiday Dinner

More details coming out tomorrow – Board/staff can bring one guest.


Standing Item: In Camera

  • In Camera Minutes: October 17, 2023
  • ED Performance
    Review Update

Motion: To move in
camera (Approved).
Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar
Seconder: Maher Sinno
Motion: To move out of in camera
session (included in In Camera



Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting
Mover: Maher Sinno
Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar 



Monday, December 18, 2023 


6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST




Board: Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar,  Courage, Troy Dunn, Yuri Hernandez

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Nipuni Dhanawardana


Courage and D!XON 

ASL Interpretation

Jo-Ann Martin and Christie Reaume



Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Approval of Agenda

Welcome and Approving the Order of Business: 

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair leZlie lee kam.

Motion: To approve the agenda (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Grant Gonzales 

Land Acknowledgement

leZlie delivered land acknowledgment. 


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To approve the November 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Maynes

Seconder: Yuri Hernandez

Declaration of Conflict of Interest

leZlie requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.

Grant Gonzales and leZlie stated that they would not be participating in Board slate discussion as they have expressed interest in running for a second term. 


Board Decision Tracker 

leZlie advised on document for reference.

Grant advised that there was one motion (the recent Board statement) that was  approved via email after the November Board Meeting.


Board Meeting Principles and Expectations

leZlie advised on the document for reference about expectations during the Board Meeting.


Standing Item: ED Report 

The Executive Director (Kojo Modeste) provided the monthly organizational update. Discussion was held on Festival insurance. As requested by Nirmalan Vijeyakumar the Board discussed menstrual equity for the Pride Toronto team, Parade and other events and programming. Discussion was also held on releasing statements and potential impacts.  Lastly, it was highlighted that confidentiality of Board discussions during Board Meetings were important. 


Action items:

  • Director of Marketing and Communications/ Policy Committee to look at building some guidelines around releasing Board statements and how/when we as an organization respond to comments in the new year.
  • Advise new Board Members of processes around Board statements during Board Orientation in February.

Insurance Update

Stephen Bortolon, Senior Vice President at Gallagher Insurance joined.

Highlighted by Stephen that Gallagher Insurance is an entertainment brokerage so their daily work involves the music industry, festival, arts etc. Board Members were informed of the new policy; which is focused on pricing and making the Festival more accessible for vendors (like Parade and StreetFair participants). More accessibility would lead to long term growth and partnership, which the Gallagher team is excited about.


Standing Item: Treasurer Report 

The Treasurer (Osmel Maynes)

Board Members informed that there are still ongoing conversations with auditors on the annual financial audit. 

Kojo mentioned that the draft audit report is ready and the Board will receive it shortly to review before meeting with the auditors.


AGM and Board Recruitment Update

  • Approval of Board Slate

Osmel mentioned the two upcoming important dates of January 12 for the Board Candidate Q&A session and January 25 for the Annual General Meeting.

Grant made mention that the Co-Chairs were working on some administration pieces such as this year’s proxy form and reviewing the previous years’ AGM Minutes. 

Confirmed that Grant and leZlie will both chair the AGM. The Board Recruitment Committee (Osmel, Troy and Yuri) will chair the Board Recruitment agenda item. Troy, Yuri and Nirmalan also confirmed that they would be virtual panelists during the AGM.

Our virtual AGM meeting provider, GetQuorum is confirming if we will be able to livestream to the public. If  this function is not available, we can make the meeting recording available afterwards.

Kojo advised that the annual report will be available over the holidays 

Osmel advised that the Board Recruitmentent Committee has selected the Board Candidate slate after application reviews and interviews. The slate is comprised of two current Board Members who are running for reelection, and four new Board Candidates. There is one two-year term open, and the remaining five openings are all three-year terms. The Board Recruitment Committee opted not to fill two one-year roles so that individuals are not just on the Board for a short period, and because longer terms are more beneficial for the Board as a whole in terms of continuity. The Board Recruitment Committee selected individuals that represent a  mixture of community, such as trans and women identified candidates, and a variety of professional backgrounds in education, non-profit organizations and at the municipal level.


Motion: To approve the Board Recruitment Committee’s recommended Board of Directors Candidate slate (Approved).

Mover: Yuri Hernandez

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Membership Approvals

Co-Chair leZlie checked in with the Board Members to ensure they have reviewed the list of Membership approvals. 

Motion: To approve Membership Applications (Approved). 

Mover: leZlie lee kam

Seconder: Troy Dunn

Committee Updates

  • Community Committees Call-Out (Accessibility, Honoured Positions, International Impact Fund)

Policy Committee

Grant informed the Board that the committee is looking at the ByLaws on Board Members who miss meetings without cause. The Board discussed that Board agreement could be updated so that Board Members miss three consecutive meetings (without communications to the Co-Chairs) that they would receive penalties, such as suspension from the Board or losing VIP privileges at Pride Toronto Events.

Advocacy, Equity, and Human Rights Committee

leZlie mentioned that since Maher Sinno (former Chair of the Committee) has stepped down from the Board, there has not been a meeting. The plan will be to restart meetings once the new Board Members join.

Finance Committee

This update was provided by Osmel earlier in the meeting during the Treasurer Report.

Grants and Sponsorship Review Committee

No updates at this time.


Action items:

  • Policy Committee to review and update Board Agreement to include the discussed penalties on Board Members who miss multiple meetings without cause.

Other Business/Updates

  • Board/Staff Holiday Party (December 19) 
  • Meeting with Crowe Soberman (December 20)

Board/Staff Holiday Party (December 19)

Board reminded of the team Holiday Party to take place the next day

Meeting with Crowe Soberman (December 20)

Board to meet with auditors from Crowe Soberman this Wednesday to review the audited financial statements and discuss the management letter.


Action items:

  • Review financial documents sent by Finance Manager, Amit Kumar in advance of the meeting with the auditors.
  • If there are any questions, send to Amit and Kojo, to send to the auditors.

Standing Item: In Camera Session

  • In Camera Minutes: November 21, 2023


Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover:  Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Grant Gonzales

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Next Meeting: January 16, 2024 

Grant advised that the next meeting would take place on January 16. 

The Board agreed that after the AGM, the new Board Member Orientation and February Board Meeting would take place on February 3. A shorter Board Meeting will be held during the already scheduled meeting on Feb 20.



Board Members.

Meeting ended.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Yuri Hernandez

Seconder: Troy Dunn 


Wednesday, December 20, 2023 


6:00 pm – 7:00 pm EST




Board: Courage, Troy Dunn, Grant Gonzales, leZlie lee kam, Osmel Maynes, Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Staff: Kojo Modeste, Amit Kumar

Guests: Chandor Gauthier (Crowe Soberman LLP), Parker Holman (Crowe Soberman LLP)


D!XON, Yuri Hernandez 

ASL Interpretation

Alex Skrzyniak, Erin Miller


Agenda Item 


Motions/Action Items

Call to Order 

This is a Special Board Meeting called to receive and approve the draft audited financial statements. 

Meeting Chaired by Co-Chair Grant Gonzales. 


Land Acknowledgement

The meeting  chair delivered land acknowledgment. 


Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

The meeting chair requested any Board Director to declare a conflict of interest. This is a standing item for accountability.


Audited Financial Statements (#1)

Crowe Soberman presented the contents of the audited financial statements, including:

  • Overview of the responsibilities of the auditors.  
  • 2023 Audited Financial Statements and audit findings. 
  • Management letter – identified issues and management responses. 

The auditors expressed a qualified opinion that in their opinion, except for the possible effects of the matters described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion section of their report, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Pride Toronto as at July 31, 2023, and its results of operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. 

The Board requested clarification about the “government remittances payable” and  “current portion of government funding payable.” The auditors clarified that the vast majority of these amounts relate to grant funding for fiscal periods prior to August 1, 2021. The amount from the 2023 fiscal year is related to the refundable portion of the Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund. The auditors committed to provide a detailed explanation at the Annual General Meeting. 


In Camera Session

It is best practice to hold an in camera session without staff to provide the Board an opportunity to ask questions of the auditors. 

Motion: To move in

camera (Approved). 

Mover:  Osmel Guerra Maynes

Seconder: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Motion: To move out of in camera session (included in In Camera minutes).

Audited Financial Statements (#2)

Motion to approve the draft audited financial statements. 

Motion: To approve the draft audited financial statements (Approved). 

Mover: Osmel Guerra Maynes

Seconder: leZlie lee kam


Motion to adjourn the meeting.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting (Approved). 

Mover: Nirmalan Vijeyakumar

Seconder: Courage

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