Accessibility 365
As an organization, we offer multiple ways to get involved and provide suggestions to improve. Please feel free to join our Accessibility Advisory Committee, which is an opportunity to create meaningful conversations and deepen our connection with members of the communities we serve. This Committee engages in key discussions, outreach, and development of accessible policies at Pride Toronto. We foster a culture of honest and courageous conversations by creating safer spaces where our community’s voices are heard, acknowledged, and actioned. The Committee itself will provide strategic, expert, and impartial advice to Pride Toronto to help develop and implement plans to ensure Pride Toronto’s Mission is upheld. To get involved, check out our Community Committee page or
email office@pridetoronto.com.
If you are interested in one of our events but have a barrier that is preventing you from attending, please contact accessibility@pridetoronto.com. Some of our services include American sign-language interpreters, Braille Guides, and a Ubio-Duo communications system. Wherever possible, we seek to ensure our programs, services, and events are inclusive, accessible, and fun! Pride Toronto will require no proof of access needs. If you feel you need access to a service for any reason, that is entirely up to your discretion, and Pride Toronto staff and volunteers will not be questioning anyone accessing our accessibility supports.