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2024-06-22 11:00:00

VillageFest 2024


VillageFest is back for 2024!

Join us for the 10th anniversary of the Church-Wellesley Village’s local (and free) street festival on 22-23 June 2024. This year’s theme is Indigenous and 2SLGBTQ+ arts and talent.

We have two outdoor stages, two outdoor arts markets, and over 15 outdoor street vendors representing local businesses.

We are grateful to have wonderful sponsors for this event including Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, The Q Musicale (who are bringing in over 25 live music performances from 2SLGBTQ+ artists in the Toronto area (including Simone Denny and Carole Pope!), and Labatt Breweries.

BIA Stage (Northwest Corner, Church and Maitland):

Saturday, 22 June 2024:
11.00 AM to 12.30 PM: Opening Ceremony
1.00 PM to 3.00 PM: EJ Kwandibens and Sagatay Kwandibens, Layla Paredes-Kwandibens, Bonnie Johnston, Amy Moore, Rosary Spence (Jingle Dress Dancers)
3.00 PM to 4.00 PM: O’Grady’s on Church (Drag)
4.00 PM to 6.00 PM: Garage on Church (Drag)
6.00 PM to 7.00 PM: The Drink (Drag)
7.00 PM to 8.00 PM: Sarah Hopkins (Two Spirit Story Teller)
8.00 PM to 9.00 PM: DJ Classic Roots and Dancers
9.00 PM to 10.00 PM: Flash on Church (Drag)
10.00 PM to 11.00 PM: Woody’s and Sailor (Drag)

Sunday, 23 June 2024:
12.00 PM to 2.00 PM: The Imperial Court of Toronto Fundraiser featuring Emperor 37 Okimawiw Kevin, Morgan James, and other performers curated by Nikki Chin.
2.00 PM to 3.00 PM: Red Dress Project – Native Child Family Services Toronto
3.00 PM to 4.00 PM: Wynona Maracle (Hand Drum Singer)
4.00 PM to 5.00 PM: O’Grady’s on Church (Drag)
5.00 PM to 6.00 PM: The Well (Drag)
6.00 PM to 7.00 PM: The Drink (Drag)
7.00 PM to 8.00PM: DJ Classic Roots and Dancers
8.00 PM to 9.00 PM: Closing Ceremony led by Elder Shirley Gillis-Kendall

The Q Musicale (Barbara Hall Park):

Saturday, 22 June 2024 – 1PM to 11PM:

Host: Mickey Dykeman
1.05 PM to 1.25 PM: Circle of Cedars Singers (TBC) and Land Acknowledgement
1.30 PM to 1.50 PM: Emerging Artist Showcase featuring Kalyssa, K WooDZ, nuépa, Scott Thiessen, Dinayro, and others.
1.55 PM to 2.10 PM: Mandy Goodhandy
2.15 PM to 2.35 PM: Brooklyn Doran
2.40 PM to 3.00 PM: Robert Ball

Host 3: Amanda Roberts
3.00 PM to 3.15 PM: Shadrack Jackman
3.20 PM to 3.30 PM: Ali
3.35 PM to 3.55 PM: Count Classy
4.00 PM to 4.40 PM: Urvah Khan
4.45 PM to 5.00 PM: Ori Dagan

Host: Jade Elektra
5.00 PM to 5.15 PM: Jade Elektra
5.15 to 5.35PM: Adam Wienman and Heidi Michelle Thomas
5.40 to 6.00 PM: Aaron de Sousa and Sherry Sylvain
6.00 PM to 6.25 PM: Sherry Sylvain
6.25 PM to 6.30 PM: Sherry Sylvain and Mira Fantasy
6.30 PM to 6.50 PM: Mira Fantasy

Host: Robert Watson
7.00 PM to 7.15 PM: Blxck Cxsper
7.20 PM to 8.00 PM: Christian Jeffries
8.00 PM to 8.30 PM: el Hashem
8.30 PM to 8.50 PM: Danny Dymond

Host 5: PAM
9.15 PM to 9.10 PM: J3M
9.15 PM to 9.30 PM: Herdd
9.40 PM to 9.45 PM: el Hashem with Shelly-Ann Skinner
9.40 to 10.15 PM: Simone Denny
10.20 to 10.45 PM: Carole Pope

Outdoor Arts Market (12.00 PM to 6.00 PM, Saturday & Sunday)

Indigenous Arts Market: In front of Church Street Public School

Toronto Queer Market: In front of 519 Church Street