2024-06-27 10:00:00

Transformations 2024


Transformations 2024 is a day-long summit to celebrate the resilience and examine/encourage activism within the Trans community in Toronto.

Given the constant attacks from political leaders (both in the United States and increasingly here in Canada) against the Trans community, Transformations 2024 will focus on how resilient the Trans community is and to foster tools to harness that resilience into political activism and change.

The day will offer a variety of programming including workshops and discussions that will represent stories of trans activism, survival and the impacts of social justice activism and how the trans community in Toronto can use activism, political organization and influence to turn resolve into tangible results within the Canadian political scene.

Transformations 2024
“A Summit on Trans Hope and Resolve”

Hosted by the Trinity-St.Paul’s United Church & Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts
427 Bloor St W, Toronto
Managing Organizer: Emma Wakelin

Building off of the success of “Transformations 2023”, “Transformations 2024” (T24) has an opportunity to offer a day-long summit to celebrate the resilience and examine/encourage activism within the Trans community in Toronto.

Hosted at the Trinity-St Paul’s Centre for Faith, Justice and the Arts, T24 will be held on June 27 from 11am to 5pm. The proposed program would be:

10a-11a Registration
11a-12p Welcomes/Opening
-welcomes/land acknowledgement/logistics
12p-1p Lunch (boxed lunch?)/transition to Workshops A
1p-2p Workshops A
2p-2:15p Break/transition to Workshops B
2:15p-3:15p Workshops B
3:15p-3:30p Break/transition to Plenary Session
3:30p-4:30p Plenary Session/Closing Remarks
4:30p-4:45p Break/transition to “comedy on the steps”
4:45p-5:30p Comedy on the Steps

The event is free.
The event is All-ages.
The venue is Wheelchair Accessible
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