Our Team

What would a great project be without a great team? We are delighted to have the most suitable and wonderful interdisciplinary group possible. We knew that for something as important as representing our community correctly, we would need incredible individuals with equally incredible qualities. It is a great cause for pride to introduce those who make this dream a wonderful reality.

Meet our Board of Directors, staff members, and advisory committee.

Our Team
Board of Directors


We’re here to make your journey of discovery as colourful and inclusive as possible. Send us an email and let’s navigate this rainbow together!

General Inquiries:

Sponsorship Inquiries:

Programming Inquiries:

Pride Toronto Staff

Meet the people that make up Pride Toronto!

Our Current Advisory Groups Are:

  1. 2Spirit and Indigenous Community Advisory Committee
  2. Francophone Community Advisory Committee
  3. Bi+ Community Advisory Committee
  4. Dyke Community Advisory Committee
  5. Family Community Advisory Committee
  6. Accessibility Community Advisory Committee
  7. Newcomer Community Advisory Committee
  8. Rainbow Senior Community Advisory Committee
  9. Rainbow Senior Community Advisory Committee
  10. Trans Community Advisory Committee
  11. Youth Community Advisory Committee

Are you as excited as we are about the fantastic work our advisory groups are doing? If you’re interested in joining in or advising Pride on future successes, don’t hesitate to reach out to
us at office@pridetoronto.com. We’d love to have you on the team!

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